💚🖤💚🖤Tsu X Tokoyami💚🖤💚🖤

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Tokoyami pov

I walked into class this morning a little early, the only people in besides me was Iida, Yaoyorozu, Ojiro and the highlight of my life, Tsuyu Asui. She was resting her head on her backpack half sleepy. So cute. I sat down in my seat and began to read my book. Soon, everybody was gathering in the classroom and Aizawa came rolling in with his sleeping bag.
"Class, today as some of you are aware, we will be carrying out a battle training session today. Your pairs will be picked at random so you could end up against anyone." He stated bluntly
"Oh so a bit like what we did in combat training that time when we were starting out." Kaminari said
"Yeah, it should be interesting to see who were up against." Kirishima added.
"Whatever, get into your hero costumes and meet in the battle training grounds."

Time skip🕦

Tsuyu Pov

We got to the training grounds in our hero costumes. I think I'm gonna have to alter the size of my suit, I've grown a little bit since it was made and it's starting to get pretty tight and uncomfortable. I stood next to Tokoyami and Hagakure waiting for the first pair to be matched. Aizawa clicked the random picker to choose. It spun round and round until it landed on.....Todoroki. His name was removed and it spun again around and round until..............me.
"I'm against Todoroki?!" I thought to myself. He could easily freeze me to death if I'm not careful.
"Ok then, Todoroki, Asui, you're up. Everyone else, watch closely." Aizawa said as we went out to the battle field.

Tokoyami pov

She got paired with Todoroki then. It's nerve racking but at least she wasn't paired with Bakugou. We all know by now that Asui is sensitive to the cold. The buzzer sounded for them to start. Todoroki ice headed straight for her but she dodged it by jumping away from it. Her tongue launched out and wrapped around Todoroki arm. She tried to throw him to the ground but he dodged and began to freeze her tongue. She ripped it away from him as she fell to the ground. Before she knew it, Todoroki froze her in place and she couldn't move. A loud voice boomed from the speakers.
Todoroki walked up to Asui and began to unfreeze her but she wouldn't get up. It was still too cold for her to move.
"Tokoyami." Aizawa turned to me "Would you mind assisting Todoroki please, it looks like Asui has gone into hibernation." He added. I nodded and went out to help. I saw Todoroki still unfreezing her so I waited before I called out Dark shadow to carry her to Recovery girl.
"I'll take her to Recovery girl, you should go back and take some time to rest." I told Todoroki. He nodded and we turned back.

We got to Recovery girl's office and I lay her down on the bed.
"Tokoyami, would you mind staying with her, I need to pick up a few bandages. It looks like she's cut herself a little during this training excercise." Recovery girl asked me.
"Can't you just use your quirk on her?" I asked
"Well since she's sleeping, my quirk could be dangerous to use on her at this time and I just ran out of bandages so I need to pick up the ones delivered today. If you try to keep her as warm as possible, she should wake up when I get back." She answered as she closed the door behind her. I looked back to Tsuyu. I didn't notice before but it looks like one of Todoroki's icicles cut her side. Her hero costume was ripped open around the cut. It looked very tight around her and didn't look comfortable at all. I noticed that whilst she was fighting, her movements seemed limited and stiff and I think this is why. I covered her up with a blanket and put the warm rag on her head like Recovery girl told me to earlier. She began to stir a little. Then her eyes opened a little bit. Her sweet innocent eyes looked up at me.
"Hey, are you ok, is it warm enough for you?" I asked her gently. She began to regain some strength and managed to prop herself up on her elbows. But as she did, her costume began to tear across her chest.
"Asui, be careful, your costume was damaged in the fight it's going to rip even more." I warned her gently. My feathers turned pink as my eyes made their way to the torn part across her chest. Her eyes adjusted as she realised what just happened. Her face turned pink all over as she tried to cover herself with her arms.
"Ribbit! I'm so sorry Tokoyami please don't look." She was embarrassed
"Don't worry I won't look, I haven't seen anything I promise" I reassured her whilst darting my eyes to anywhere but her. She kept trying to cover herself up more but it only made the tear worse. Another rip traveled down to her belt. I took my cape and wrapped it around her to help cover the rips.
"Thank you Tokoyami."
Recovery girl came back into the room with some bandages.
"Oh good, it looks like you've woken up." She came over to Tsuyu
"Yeah but uh...my costume ripped a bit. Ribbit." Recovery girl looked at where it had ripped and sighed.
"Oh my, looks like it was too tight on you, now it's ripped down your legs too."
Tsuyu's face had a bright red blush smudged across her face. It was cute but she was extremely embarrassed. "It was nice of Tokoyami to lend you his cloak. I don't see how young people can get so embarrassed about their bodies, when you get to my age you'll soon be wishing it back." I left the room whilst Recovery girl fixed up her cuts. When I came back in to take her back to class, she had some new clothes on and her ripped hero suit was folded on a chair.
"You can go back to class now you're all healed up. Take care now and remember to get a new costume." Recovery girl said goodbye to us
Me and Asui walked down the hallway back to our class.
"Thank you Tokoyami." I looked at her
"For what? You don't need to thank me."
"Yes I do, I'm just thanking you for not looking at me and for lending me your cloak. Please don't tell anybody about this, it's kinda embarrassing." She answered looking at me. I looked back at her. Her face was still a little flustered and she held her head down again.
"It's ok I won't tell." I held out my pinkie finger and she shook it with hers.
"Hey, Tokoyami do you maybe...wanna hang out sometime, Ribbit?" She asked with a smile on her face. I smiled back.
"Sure, I would be honoured to." I replied. She really is the highlight of my life.

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