Tokotsuyu- rain🌧

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Tokoyami POV

"Rain, rain, rain... Rain, rain, rain, ribbit" I watched her from the porch. Dancing around in her raincoat and boots so happy... So pretty and cute.

Its strange. She falls weak in extreme climates, but rain is her favourite. She looks so warm and happy, yet my hands are burning with cold rain water. But I'll stay outside. I would much rather watch Asui play in the rain than having to subject myself to my classmate's rainy day activities.

Also I don't want to be covered in glitter for the next week or so. I don't think Aoyama gets the memo that a small child plus glitter and an arts and crafts set make a huge mess. Still, at least Eri finally has a childhood ahead of her now. And if glitter makes her happy then she's definitely Aoyama's best friend.

"Ribbit!" SPLASH! my eyes darted back from the window to her. I hadn't even noticed that Dark Shadow had already floated over to help her. She'd slipped on a rock or something and fallen over in a puddle.

"Tsu! Are you good?" He asked concerned as his talons lifted her back to her feet.

"Thanks, Dark Shadow I'm fine. Ribbit." She said blankly. I wandered down the steps to them both.

"Did you trip or something?" I asked. She suddenly started looking around almost frantically for a second. "Is everything ok?"

"Ribbit, I saw a frog and I was gonna step on it by accident so I tried to stop myself but I just fell over instead. I hope its not hurt, ribbit." She looked on the bottom of her shoe for any frog remains but nothing was there.

"It must have hopped away then." I stated trying to make her feel better. She still looked slightly uneasy.

"Yeah... But what if it hopped away hurt cause of my big, stupid foot?"
I mean, I understand her. I get slightly nauseous at the sight if road kill and stuff but after all, its different for me. Birds eat and hurt other birds all the time. I myself am a bird of prey. But Frogs to my knowledge don't really hurt each other. Not for survival anyway.

"Hey come on, Tsu. Your foots not stupid. I bet you anything that Mr frog is safe home now eating his flies." Dark shadow reassured her.

"Her flies, ribbit. The frog I saw was female." She stated with her finger to her chin. Her eyes sparkled a little and her mouth made out a cute smile. "So I guess its Mrs frog then."

I chuckled as I looked down at her boots. Filled near to the brim with rainwater. "Wanna go back inside now? I think your feet have done enough drowning for one day." She looked down at her boots and tried to shake the water out by jumping but it didn't help much. She was trying to hop on one leg until Dark Shadow just butted in and lifted her off the ground once more. He held her like a chair as he emptied her boot and slid it back on her foot.

"Thank you Dark Shadow." She clung onto him as he did her other boot too. "For saying you're a shadow and all, you're pretty warm...ribbit. Its nice." She sighed gently.

"Yeah im only warm cause his emotions are super positive right now."
Wait! What? Since when? Dark Shadows always been warm.

"Ribbit, I'm so glad youre happy, Tokoyami." She said as her feet touched the ground. She looked at me with that cute, innocent happy face that made my heart melt quicker than chocolate in Todoroki's left hand. "Its just sometimes you don't seem so happy. More stoic."

"Yeah. It seems that way to a lot of people. My voice is quite deep for my age when you compare me to the rest of the guys. Plus I'm just a dark colour palette." I explained as we walked back towards the building. "But that doesn't mean I'm not happy. I'm actually very happy here with you and the others."

"That's nice. I'm much happier here too. It just seems more welcoming." We walked through the front door and Asui immediately acknowledged that she wouldn't be able to get accross the common space without getting dirt and water everywhere.

"Tsu, you're soaked! Did you have fun?" Uraraka asked enthusiastically

"Yeah, ribbit. I was out there so long my boots filled up with water."

"Oh no." Uraraka laughed. "Here, will make you float so you don't get dirt everywhere." I had already removed my shoes and proceeded to walk towards the elavator. I noticed a massive A3 picture covered in glitter hung up on the wall. Upon closer inspection, I saw that little Eri had painted all of us. She did a pretty good job of me and Dark Shadow. The black glitter really suited us. I looked for Asui and discovered she was next to me petting Dark Shadow. I walked away smiling slightly.

Trust her to still look so cute in a child's painting.

AN: heyyyyy... I'm back with the propper ships this time. I came up with this on the spot. Isn't midnight just the best time to stay up writing Fan fiction? I think so.
Luv yas all

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