Tangled together- Kamijiro

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Jiro POV

it was a drizzly Monday. we all awoke from our separate dorms and met in the common space for breakfast. we were all so drowsy except for a few such as Tokoyami, Iida, Shoji and Momo. but I cant say that im surprised by that. the rest of us weren't looking so great. its always like this on a Monday. I glanced around the room at my sleepy classmates.

Tsu's hair looked like it had been brushed, but it hadn't exactly been put up yet, instead it just flowed around her knees as she flopped down on the sofa. I forget how long her hair actually is sometimes.

Midoriya was muttering to himself half asleep as Ochaco tried to tackle her hair with her comb.

and then, he walked in. drowsy, clumsy and most of all, a dunce. Denki Kaminari. his hair was a mess with the ends going static and he hadn't even done his tie up properly. he reached into the fridge which was beside me and took an energy drink. brushing past me, his wild static hair caught my neck and gave me small shocks down my back.

"Ow! Idiot, what was that for?" I scolded him. he looked at me with his adorable sleepy face.

"Uh, oh sorry Jiro, my hairs a little staticky today." he replied. he took one sip of his energy drink and it sent his hair even crazier. sparks started to form as his hair floated as if Ochaco had taken its gravity away.

"Dude, are you ok?" I asked concerned. he replied with a simple nod and let out a yawn which only made him look even cuter. soon enough, we were all somewhat awake and ready to go to class. well almost all of us. Kaminari had actually fallen back to sleep with his energy drink in hand. not wanting to be late, I used a wooden broom from the cupboard to nudge him awake again.

Ha, you think im really gonna wake him with my bare hands, nope.... not today satan I don't feel like getting electrocuted to death this morning

"Hey, Bob Ross Pikachu! come on, its time for school." I stated. My eyes glanced down to where his tie was messily just wrapped around his collar and then back to his hair. "Idiot, your tie isn't even right" I sighed, fixing the tie for him before moving onto his hair with my comb. after about 30 seconds, I dragged him out of the dorms and to our homeroom class.

Aizawa rolled into class with his precious sleeping bag as usual. he explained our activities and general points he would usually make in the morning. finally, he instructed us to change into our hero suits and meet him at the training grounds. I followed the other girls down to the changing rooms and changed into my costume. finally, I slipped on my white speaker gloves and exited the changing rooms. my eyes glanced at the sealed up hole in the wall next to the dent my earphone jacks made, remembering Minetas words spill out of his mouth like spit. as always, im the only one he never said anything about.

we stood together as a class in front of Mr Aizawa as he recited the teams. this time, we were in teams of three since apparently two of our classmates couldn't make it to class. As usual, Me and Kaminari were in the same team. and then... Bakugo. why him? I bet hes probably gonna go after Midoria or "DEKUUUUUUUUUHHHH" as he says, and we'll either be left in the dust or forced into whatever plan he has no matter how much it hurts us.

our whole objective was to either be the last team standing or the team with the most buttons pressed when the times up. by that, I mean each team was scattered around to six different bases, each of which contained a guarded button the side of the wall which when pressed disqualified that team. each button had a different colour to represent the teams. we were on the yellow team and we were put on the top floor of the building.

we were trying to prepare at our base by thinking up of a plan. and by we, I mean Bakugo.

"Uhm, Bakugo, are you ok there?" Kaminari asked concerned

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