Chapter 7 - As dark as I am

Start from the beginning

I ran faster than I ever had, my breath coming fast and the cold air burning my lungs. 

I realized my mistake a few seconds later. 
I might have been faster than them and had a head start, but I didn't know where I was. 

I turned left, thinking I could loose them in an alley, only to find out it was a dead end. 

"You're a quick little thing, aren't you?" I heard someone shout. 

I looked at the high wall in front of me hopelessly. I was strong- a result of my years of dancing, but not even I would be able to climb over there. 

I turned around in time to see the one I had hit stand in the alley, his chest heaving hard. 
He was a big fellow, with a massive chest and at least two heads taller than me. 

The other's weren't with him. 
Maybe they decided I wasn't worth going to prison for. 

Not this one though.
I was trapped. 
And it was my own damn fault! 

I backed away until my back hit the wall. 
He cornered me and I knew this time he would be more cautious as he took leisurely steps towards me like he, too, knew I stood no chance. 

I screamed. 
It was the only thing I could do. 

He suddenly shot forward and slapped me across the face so hard my head snapped to the side, my scream turning into a surprised outcry.

I had never been hit in my life, so in the first moment, the shock of it was greater than the pain. 
Then I felt the sting, my cheek burning up as I held it protectively. 

"You think your friend will help you?" he spat laughing, taking a step closer. I felt his body against mine and tried to back away in disgust but there was nowhere to go. 


"He's not gonna make it passed my guys. I bet they're having a blast right now."

Okay, this dude was either drunk or just generally talking nonsense, but none of that mattered right now as he grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled. 

Pain flashed through me and I let out a yelp as he brought his face close. 
The smell was the worst as he said: "You truly are beautiful, little girl. I'm gonna make you-" 

And suddenly he was gone, the grip on my hair disappearing and I looked up to meet Taehyung's eyes. 

He was breathing hard, his eyes huge and afraid as he stared at me. 

The sound coming out of me was one of utter relieve. 

The only time we had been apart for that long had been when my parents made me and my siblings visit family across the country and that had been over three years ago.

"Are you okay?" he immediately asked, his face a mask of worry as he gently reached out to touch my cheek. 

I let him, too surprised by his sudden appearance and too happy to see him. 
It's like the last couple of days didn't happen and he was just my best friend again. 

But how could he be here?
Had he been following me all this time? 

"Y/N? Talk to me? Are you hurt? Please tell me!" 
There was an urgency to his voice. 

I shook my head, feeling safe as he brushed my hair back, looking me up and down.
"I'm all right." I answered him in a half-whisper. 

I was still too baffled by the overflowing relieve of seeing him. 

Obsession // Taehyung Fanfiction// 18+Where stories live. Discover now