Chapter 3 - The Darkness beneath

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I stood in front of Chung-Ho's house, unsure what to do. 

Maybe this had been a stupid idea. 

What was I? some crazy Ex you couldn't get rid of? 
I always wanted to do it like Jimin: shrug with my shoulders, say "whatever" and then go on with my life as if nothing could bother me. 

But this time was different. 

Not only did I deserve an explanation more than just: "I wanna break up. I don't think this is working out", but Taehyung had been suspicious earlier when they talked about his apparent absence. 

It was time to confront this problem once and for all and get some information out of Chung-Ho. 
Taking a deep breath, I was just about to knock when the front door opened. 

I stumbled back as I came face to face with two police officers. 

What the hell? 

They looked at me for a second before Mrs. Seong, Chung-Ho's mother appeared behind them. 
She looked pale and shaken. 

"Oh, Y/N." she let out surprised when she saw me standing in front of their porch.

"You know this girl, ma'am?", one of the officer's asked and  the older woman nodded. 
"Yes, she is my son's boyfriend." 

Huh, I thought with an inner snort, someone hasn't broken the news yet. 

"Oh, " the other police officer now said, his eyes filling with pity and understanding. 
"We're very sorry what happened to him. But no worries, we'll do our best to find out who attacked him." 

I stared at them wide eyed. Attacked him? 

My expression must have been obvious as Mrs Seong snapped for air. 

"Oh my, has he not told you? I though he texted you already?"

The police officer on the right shot me a soothing look, as if hoping to calm me down. "I'm afraid your boyfriend has been mugged on Friday night and was beaten up pretty roughly." 

My breath caught. 

"He's inside, honey. Go see him. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you." Mrs. Seong quickly added. 

Yeah, I don't think so, but sure, I wanted to say but didn't as I wordlessly pushed passed the officers and Mrs. Seong and entered the house. 

I have only been here a couple of times, but I knew my way around as I walked up the stairs and entered Chung-Ho's room. 

He was wrapped in several blankets and I couldn't see his face because he was turned away from me. 

"Chung-Ho?" I asked in a whisper. Maybe he was asleep...

..Or not, as he shot up the bed and looked at me with huge eyes like I was the last person he expected to see. 

Or better:  with one eye. The other was swollen shut, shimmering in green, blue and dark purple. 
My breath caught as I got a look at the rest of him. 

His nose was wrapped in a white bandage, his lip broken and still goosing a bit of blood. I saw part of his leg showing between the blankets, and that too was wrapped in bandages. 

"What happened?" I whispered, unable to look away from him. 

"Get out!" 

Now I was even more shocked. 
I never heard him sound so afraid, like seeing me was his worst nightmare. 
Okay, outch. 

Obsession // Taehyung Fanfiction// 18+Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя