Chapter 21- Family

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We decided to hold the conversation somewhere a bit more quiet as a very drunk girl accidentally stumbled into Namjoon's big announcement. 

Twenty minutes later we already sat in Jin's basement. 
I had taken a seat next to Taehyung, which was nothing new- except for the way our hands were interlocked and I leaned into his warmth more than usual. 

He had a hand draped around my shoulders too, holding me close as the others took their seats around us. 

The mentioning about Tae's family had made him turn very, very quiet. 
He hadn't spoken a single word on the way here. 

"So," I spoke for him instead, eyeing the others. 
"You know about his family?"

I felt him stiffen by the mere mention of them. 
Namjoon sighed and the others looked no more troubled. 

My brother seemed hesitant to speak as he opened and closed his mouth several times. 
Finally he looked up and shot Taehyung a soft smile. 
"I remember the first time Y/N invited you home. You had the most wonderous expression on you face as you looked at our family. And you looked at Y/N like she was both a mystery and an angel in person." 

I swallowed hard at his words.  It's been such a long time ago, and yet he remembered so well. As did I. 

Namjoon grew a bit more serious, a crease forming on his forehead. 

"But I knew there was something troubling you. Y/N might have been too young to understand back then, but I saw the way you tried to hide your bruises and wounds. When I asked you about them, you would get angry and shut me down, so I knew you were hiding something. 
How could I have just ignored that?"

A strange sound left Taehyung's lips, like he couldn't believe he had noticed. 
"How much do you know?" He finally asked in a hollow voice which made me hold on to him tighter. 
This was all I could do right now: show him I was there. 

"We know they hit you and made you do things you never wanted to do." Jin spoke, his voice soft and holding not an ounce of accusation. 

"We know your father wont allow any of you to go their own way, even when he's in prison." Hoseok added. 

"That's why you haven't accepted the offer to move in with any of us," Yoongi continued. 

There was a moment of silence when Tae breathed in heavily and said: "Do you-"
He stuttered for a second.
"Do you know about my sister?"

The sadness was almost tangible in the room and Namjoon's voice heavy. 
"Yeah. We know about Nayeon. And yes, knowing what happened to her made me hella afraid for my sister. But even though I didn't know about....," he stopped and pointed at out intertwined positions. 

"This new development, I'd always known Y/N loved you. I guess I started this because of her, but we all continued because of you, Tae. Because we're family and family sticks up for one another."

Taehyung chocked on his own emotions and I saw a tear fall. 
Not because of sadness. 
Because he felt it now: the love they held for him. 
The family he deserved. 

"Started what exactly?" I asked the question that had been on the tip of my tongue since we came here. 

Namjoon grinned. 
"You do know your brother is an aspiring journalist and your sister happens to work at a police station?"
Tae and I sucked in a breath at the same time. 

"Hey, don't forget us, Namjoon! We've been doing just as much research!" Jungkook suddenly threw in, beaming proudly. 
"Yeah!" his boyfriend joined and playfully crossed his arms in front of his small body. 
"How can you just leave us out? We've been working our asses off."

Namjoon calmed their enthusiasm with a smile, then grew serious again. 
"They have," he told us with a nod.

"And we got a lot on them already, Tae. We just need a little more and we can make sure they all get locked up for good. Your father is already a done man. He's got so much dirt on him, we weren't sure how he even managed to be let out again. 
Suno will go down for his drug business and Jung-In for illegal gambling and tax fraud."

Tae's mouth gaped open, his lower lips trembling. 
I could only imagine how relieved he must be to hear that. 

His freedom. 
That's what this meant.

But as the silence stretched and their faces fell, Taehyung's gaze darkened. 

"It's Seong-Min, isn't it?"
The name of his youngest brother lay heavy in the room. 
I remembered the way he had spoken about him last night. 

He hated them all, but Seong-Min was different. 
I felt like there was something he wasn't telling me.

I tried to remember which one of them it had been when I had seen them at the funeral of his mother. 
They all had looked the same. 
Black short hair, cold eyes and angular faces. 

They had looked rather bored. 
All except one. 
The one who had stolen more than one glance at me. 
It had to have bene Seong-Min. 

Because I knew Tae would have told me what it was that made him hate this brother most of all- except if it had something to do with me. 

And now that I though back to those glances- there was definitely something and I could already guess what it was. 

But now was not the time to get into that. 

Namjoon nodded darkly. 
"Yeah. He doesn't leave any traces. We're sure he's been doing his share of horrible things, but we have nothing against him. No evidence, no incriminating coincidences  and no one is willing to say anything against him."

Taehyung didn't look the least bit surprised. 
"Yeah, that sounds like him. Cruel but brilliant. He knows how to make fear work for him." 

There was as much rage as their was defeat in his voice. 
I pulled him a bit closer. 

All of this was a too much. 
All this drama and emotional roller coaster and seeing Taehyung hurt. 
He must feel even worse than me. 

I cleared my throat loudly. 
"Okay. I think we all need a good long sleep and then we can discuss the rest tomorrow."

"Are you tired?" Tae asked immediately, sounding worried. 
I wasn't. At least not physically. 
I nodded more for him than myself. 
I knew him better than he thought, and I had taken notice of his fiddling hands. 
The situation was slowly overwhelming him. 

"If you want, you can all stay here tonight." 
Jin offered immediately. 

Jimin and Jungkook nodded vigorously. 
That meant they could sleep in a room together, without having to sneak in through windows when their parents were home. 

They both accepted that their son's were gay, but they were still strict when it came to sleepovers. 

Hoseok and Yoongi decided to go home, as did Namjoon. 
His expression when I decided to stay with Taehyung was mixed. 

He was happy we were happy. 
But at the same time he was my brother and he didn't like to think about the things Taehyung was doing with me now.

I blushed as he gave Tae a not so subtle warning. 

Mostly because I knew he would not head it at all. 
Not when I saw the heated look he shot me. 

Obsession // Taehyung Fanfiction// 18+Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat