Chapter 1 - Marshmallow-break-up-Mochaccino

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"But why? "I cried, my eyes already puffy and red. 

Taehyung sat next to me on the bed, patting my head. 

He was wearing an oversized grey hoody and comfortable Fila sweatpants, his long, black, fluffy hair ruffled like he had just woken up. 
"I'm so sorry, Y/N." he comforted me and pulled me in for a sideway hug. 

I let my head rest against his broad chest, seeking comfort in that typical Taehyung smell that always managed to calm me.

He was my best friend- the one who was always by my side and who knew me best. 

I looked down at the phone in my hand. 

I got dumped- again. 
By text- again. 
Without any good explanation- again. 

"I think there is something wrong with me. What have I done this time?" 

It was more a question to myself, but Taehyung immediately took my head in his large hands and made me look up at him. 
"You did nothing wrong, okay? He's an asshole for not seeing how amazing you are."

I stared at him. 
People always told me I should date Taehyung- that we looked perfect together and we would make a dream-couple. 

And yes, Taehyung was definitely good looking. 
Well, Okay, he was pretty hot. All the girls in school wanted him, which was pretty annoying. 

But he was my best friend. 
I never even considered to date him. 

And I knew Taehyung felt the same.

I still remember the day we met in freshman year. 
I had just moved here with my parents, my older sister and my brother Namjoon. 

He had sat in the furthest corner in the back, a hoody drawn in his face. 
He was a thin and wiry kid back then and pale as if he avoided the sun like a vampire. 

Since I was three weeks late with enrollment in the new school, the only free seat was next to him. 

He hadn't spoken once in the entire first week, had no friends and kept to himself. He always wore a frown and an expression that screamed: keep away. 

But that hadn't stopped me. 
Maybe I just had a thing for broken things. 

In the second week I had come up to his desk and handed him a homemade kookie. (😂sry, couldn't help myself)

Clearly he had not expected someone to come up to him and taken it with a half stunned expression. 
Then I had loudly declared that he now owed me something and the thing I demanded was his friendship. 

He hadn't been an easy one to convince, trying to push me away with rude comments and often hurtful insults. 
But I stuck to his side, made him talk to me, made him eat his lunch and forced him to interact with others. 

And suddenly he had changed.
He came out of his shell, cracked his first jokes, made his first friends and grew taller. 

Now, four years later, he was unrecognizable.
I took great pride in my work. 
It's almost like I created my own best friend and I felt like the luckiest person to have him by my side. 

This morning, when I had woken up to Chung-Ho's break-up text, Taehyung had been at my door, just like every Saturday. 

One look at my tear-flooded face and he had taken me into a warm hug, patting my back without saying a word.
Then he had tucked me in warm blankets on my bed and made me his special Marshmallow-break-up-Mochaccino. 

After so many failed relationships, he had perfected the recipe. 

"But why do I always pick the assholes? I thought Chung-Ho was really nice." I sobbed, blowing my nose into a tissue. 
Okay, maybe I was being a bit overdramatic. 

But Chung-Ho really had been great, taking me to fancy restaurants, buying me expensive jewelry and even surprising me with a romantic picnic. 
His parents were rich, his grades were good and he already had already been accepted to a high-ranking university. 
He made me laugh and treated me like a princess. 

And he had been an amaaazing kisser. Like for real. I even thought about loosing my virginity to him. 

But deep down, I got the weird notion that I was more upset that yet another guy broke up with me than the pain of loosing Chung-Ho. 

To be honest, the reason I started dating him in the first place was because everyone told me he was great and would be an amazing catch.

The baseball team captain: handsome, cute and a true gentlemen. 

There simply hadn't been anything that made him un-datable, so when he had asked, I said yes. 

And it had been fun, but that was it. 

Maybe there really was something wrong with me: no matter how perfect the guy, I just couldn't develop real feelings for them. 

And yet I sat here, being comforted by Taehyung about being dumped again, crying my eyes out and drinking my special break-up Mochaccino.

I snuggled closer to him. 

"What would I do without you, Tae?" I asked and closed my eyes as I rested my head against his shoulders. 

There was a long silence and I didn't think he would even answer when he finally chuckled. 
"I would say you'd be a mess, but look at you. You're a mess even when I'm with you." 

"Hey!" I yell out but with a laugh as I smack his arm hard. 
It only made him laugh more. 

He rolled out of bed and went over to my desk, where he grabbed my laptop and quickly typed in the passwords. 

I smiled, a warm feeling in my heart. 

It just felt right to see Taehyung this comfortable in my house. 
He was there almost every day, you could almost say this was his house too. 

My older brother Namjoon had been his first friend after me. I had been beyond happy when I saw how well they got along and Namjoon had accepted him like a younger brother. 

Now that he has gone studying and was living on campus, it felt like I needed Taehyung here even more. 

My parents loved him too. It was natural for them to set a plate for Taehyung too and let him sleep over whenever he wanted. 

My sister's boyfriend had been his next friendship achievement. He and Jin were just a match made in heaven, always joking around as one tried to outbattle the other with practical jokes. 

Tae came back to the bed, balancing the laptop on his knees as he showed me the options for today. 
I noticed his bruised knuckles but didn't comment on it. He had a part time job on a construction site so he could make a bit of money on the sides. I would scold him for working without gloves again next time. 

I looked at the options of movies. 

That was another ritual: whenever I got dumped, we would pick the most gruesome, bloody zombie movie we could find, and every time a character was being grotesquely eaten by zombies, I imagined it was the one who dumped me. 

Maybe it was weird and a little psycho, but at least we were weird and psycho together. 

"This one!" I announced after careful selection and Tae grinned. 
"That's a violent one. You sure?" 

I glanced over at his smiley expression and nodded. 

He chuckled and started the movie, pulling me closer. 
This was natural too. 

I felt safe and protected when I lay in his arms and we laughed as we watched people getting eaten. 


Obsession // Taehyung Fanfiction// 18+Where stories live. Discover now