✯✯Chapter 17✯✯

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" Arima-san... for all this time.. Thank you so much.. for your hard work.."


"It must've been hard.. To the very end, huh?"


"Now you can rest easy.."

"Who is this?"

"I love you Arima"

"This voice... Y/N-chan?"


Pitch black darkness was all he could see.

"Where am I?" He looked around hoping to find something. However, there was not a small source of light as far his eyes could see. Suddenly, he found himself standing under a sakura tree.

"Huh? W-what happened?"

The wind blew past him swaying his long white hair. It somehow made him feel at peace.

He closed his eyes and leaned against the tree feeling contended. But deep inside his heart, he felt like he has missed something.


His eyes widened as a voice echoed in his ears. A voice he hasn't heard all these years. An all too familiar figure appeared before him. He ran towards her. Tears streaming down his face. He hugged her tightly.

"Mana.. Mana.. I missed you so much.." His words muffled against her head. "I missed you too.." It was a heart whelming reunion. "You have done well there.." She said.

"Let's take a walk?" She asked to which he happily agreed. They walked hand in hand and smiles on their faces. A little later, she sat down and he rested his head in her lap. Her hands gently caressed his hair. They sat there talking about the past and the things that she missed.

"How's Y/N?" She asked. A smile crept on his face. "She is fine. Still so cheerful and kind.... She loves Arisu-kun so much and spoiled him too. She is a great friend. I feel so blessed you know."

"Arima?" He hummed in response. "You loved her, right?"

The question caught him off guard. He quickly sat up. Eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. "What are you taking about?"

A knowing smile appeared on her face. "No need to deny. I know, there was a time when you used to love her.." He took a moment before replying. "I guess you could say that.."

"Why did you gave up then?" She asked. They could have been together for she noticed Y/N's feelings too but decided not to talk about them.

"I... thought that.. she only considered me as a best friend.. more like a brother..." His voice trailed.

A small laugh escaped her lips. She shook her head. "I never expected this from you.."

"Why? What do you mean Mana?" He asked confused by her words.

She stood up. "I guess it's time for me to go Arima." She said with a sad smile. "W-wait Mana! Where? And what did you mean by that?" He asked grabbing her hand to stop her.

"Arima." She took his hands in hers. "You know, I know you very well. You loved her back then. Our marriage was arranged. You made yourself fall in love with me just to distract yourself from her.. I know, all this time, you were lying to your heart. To yourself." She looked into his eyes.

"All these four years, she has suffered a lot. Now it's time for you to go to her. To love her again." His eyes widened at her words.

"For a moment, forget the fact that you got married and have a child. Just ask your heart. Don't you love her till this day?"

He closed his eyes finding the answer to the question. Did he still love her? Is she there in his heart? Is she still important to him like she was back then? And in the end, he found his answer.

A wide smile appeared on his face as he looked down at Mana's face. She smiled and placed her hand on his cheek.

"Good. Now go. She is waiting for you."

He nodded repeatedly. "Yeah.. you are right Mana.." Giving his wife one last hug, he turned around to go back to his best friend. To the person who has been waiting for him all this time. He has lied a lot to his heart, now he has to face the truth. No matter how many days, months or years have passed since the 'died', he has to go back to her. To his true love.


The Twin Stars, Shimon and his cousin, Chiko stood there in 'Magano' panting heavily. They had completed their mission. Just about they were leaving, a beam of white and bright light flashing towards the red sky of 'Magano' caught their attention.

They looked at each other contemplating whether go there or not. "I think we should check it out. If something happens, Chiko will return and inform others for back up." Shimon proposed.

Others nodded in agreement and sprinted towards the light. The moment they reached there, their eyes widened when they saw a figure appearing in their sight. Their mouths agape.


"H-hey guys.."

A commotion erupted in the Taigetsuru as the exorcists returned from 'Magano'. No one could believe their eyes when they saw an additional person with the returnees. When Arata regained his composure, he sent a sub-ordinate to inform Arimori about the situation.

Arimori's eyes widened as the words reached his ears.


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