✯✯Chapter 12✯✯

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Shiromi sent his whips toward Arima at insane speed

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Shiromi sent his whips toward Arima at insane speed. The latter forced the basara's attack to miss by saying "Can Not Put A Single Scratch On Me".

Enraged, Shiromi sent an indiscriminate attack using his whips yet not a single whip was able to put a scratch on Arima.
He skillfully dodged the whips.

He chanted a spell which created a fire attack followed by a huge explosion.

Rokuro's eyes widened with disbelief. ".. Unreal.. Is that really.. Pervy underpants guy..?"

Y/N chuckled weakly at his statement.

Shiromi morphed his hand into a giant impurity. Arima stopped his attack using his ice spell.

The 8th basara's body was encased in ice and he, eventually, gave up the moment he realised he was used as a bait.

Arima turned around to face Y/N and others only to freeze in his tracks. Everyone's eyes widened as they saw an illusion of themselves being killed.

He snapped his head as he felt a presence behind him.

Y/N's eyes widened as her gaze fell upon the mysterious figure.

The 2nd Basara, Sakanashi.

Arima immediately got ready to fight.

"I am a very busy man, Sakanashi. So if you only came to play here, may I suggest you to go back home?" He said.

Sakanashi summoned two huge impurity puppets. Arima dodged their attacks due to his quick reflexes.

The battle was Top against Top. The intensity was on whole another level.

Arima used his Shikigami Gear sending fire and ice attacks. His two elemental attacks totally ended the puppets.

He appeared behind the 2nd basara and sent a powerful punch. The punch was too powerful that it sent Sakanashi crashing down the 'Magano'.

Sakanshi, however, didn't got a tiny scratch. He stood up and took a new form.

Unchained Sashimori.

Arima summoned a ten-feet tall shikigami to attack the basara

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Arima summoned a ten-feet tall shikigami to attack the basara.

"I will not lose. I cannot die.... I will decide where I will die." He muttered and got ready to chant the attack spell. But he was too late.


Rokuro could only widen their eyes at the sight. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. They became stunned from the scene in front of them.

Arima's body was cut in half horizontally.

Rokuro glanced towards Y/N, checking her reaction. Shock and pain were written all over her face. She sat there absorbing the shock. She was processing what just happened.

Her hand covered her mouth. Her eyes couldn't believe the scene. Her blood was running cold in her veins. Her breath hitched. Her eyes were wide open like saucers. Her heart was thudding with pain. It didn't took a single second for her whole world to crumble into pieces.

The fear of losing him was unbearable.

Tears flowed from Arimori's eyes as he watched his father cut down in half.

"DAD!!!!!/ ARIMA!!!!!!!!!"

Meanwhile at the Control Room

Arata could only widen his eyes as a subordinate announced in disbelief.

"Arima Tsuchimikado's presence has disappeared"


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Sorry for the short chapter!

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