chapter 29

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I heard Jessica’s voice from the other side of the stage where she was making her speech.  She finally got to the part where she introduces me.  “I’m sure you are all excited to meet our special guest! This young model is amazingly beautiful and sweet as can be” I took another look at where Cody was sitting and saw that the girl wasn’t hanging all over him anymore, she looked really excited for this surprise guest. Little does she know that it’s me.  “I’m proud to introduce to you our VIP of the evening HANNA BAKER!”  She yelled the last part as the music started up again. They aloud me to pick my own music and I chose Radioactive by Imagine Dragons.  I started my strut down the catwalk and felt all eyes on me. People were screaming and clapping as I strutted along.  I looked straight down at where Cody, Alli, and the mystery girl were sitting. Now that I think about it the girl looked kind of familiar.  Cody’s eyes were huge and he looked overjoyed, Alli was smiling like a maniac and as for the other girl she looked at me with hate in her eyes. I got to the end of the runway and posed a couple times then turned to come back. As I passed them again I made direct eye contact with her and winked.  She cowered back into her chair and sulked in defeat. Mission accomplished!  When I got to where Jessica was standing she pulled me into a tight hug and then I walked back stage. Brittany walked up to me and handed me two tickets and a dress.  “These are for the after party, there is one for you and one for Cody. This is a present from Jessica, she also said you can have the dress you are wearing and she will be sending you a couple more things. Have fun tonight!” she said as she handed me my phone and walked off.


I was so surprised when Hanna’s name was called. No wonder she was so excited to tell me where she was earlier.   I only got to see her for about 2 minutes.  Lauren was finally keeping her hands to her self now. I saw her and Hanna have a stair down; I guess that means Hanna won. Atta girl!  The show ended and we started to make our way back to the car. I was really sad I missed Hanna so much and I only got to see her for a few minutes.  In the middle of the parking lot I heard fast running footsteps then suddenly BAMM! The impact came. It didn’t hurt it just caught me by surprise. Hanna jumped of my back and I turned around and embraced her in a huge hug and lifted her off the ground. I’m never letting go!  We just held on to each other for a little while. Finally we let go and I kissed her. Not too much I mean my mom and sister are both right there!  She ran over to Alli and hugged her, then my mom. Finally she turned to Lauren and stuck her hand out very politely. But I new her better then that she’s doing the whole ‘kill her with kindness thing’ she’s really good at it too, its kind of scary sometimes. 


“Hi I’m Hanna. Its nice to meet you!” I said to her with a completely fake smile. She looked at my hand then at Alli who gave her a look saying ‘don’t be rude’.  She stuck her hand out and we shook hands. “Its nice to meet you I’m Lauren” she said sounding shacky. What does she thing I’m going to do shank her? Cody and I said good by to all of them and made our way back to the after party.  I had changed into the other dress that Jessica had given to me already.  We waked around the party a couple times but it got boring. People introduced themselves to me and told me how great I looked. Don’t get me wrong I love complements what girl doesn’t but truthfully all I wanted to do right now was be with my boyfriend and catch up.  We stopped at the refreshment table and each f us grabbed a drink. “Hey, do you want to get out of here?” Cody asked trying to not sound like he was bored out of his mind even though I new he was because so was I.  “You red my mind Simpson.”  I said while taking his hand and making my way to the exit.  I called Brittany and she told me that our limo was still there because she had taken a cab home. I called the driver and told him where to meet us.  We got in the limo and talked about our plans for the night.  “Do you want to come over to my hotel room and watch movies?” I asked him hoping he would say yes. “That sounds perfect.” He said then kissed me, this time way more passionately then before.  We stopped at the Simpsons apartment and Cody went to get cloths while I stayed in the car and called Brittany to tell her the plan.  When Cody got back into the car he looked winded. “Go for a run?” I asked with a little chuckle.  “No I speed packed because Alli and Lauren were in a huge fight about something and I think I heard my name being used a couple times and I did not want to end up in the middle of that cat fight!”  He said becoming even more out of breath.  I we got to my hotel and quickly made our way upstairs.  He went into my room and changed while I took a quick shower.  I put my pajamas on and put my hair in a messy bun on the top of my head then joined him in the living room where he was picking a movie.  I brought out a blanket and lay under it on the couch. Cody crawled under as soon as he hit play on the movie.  He had picket transformers. To some people that wouldn’t ever be the movie they would pick if they wanted to hang out with their boyfriend but we are not a normal couple.  We watched the first and second transformers movies and I was still wide-awake. He put in the third but we talked almost all the way through it.  When that movie ended we didn’t even bother putting in a new one. We just talked about everything.  I soon remembered about Alli and Laurens fight ad I decided to text her to see if she was ok. 

 ME: Hey Alls. Heard about your fight. What was it about and is everything all right?

Alli:  Ya everything is fine I just noticed today that Lauren, like so many other girls was just hanging out with me because of Cody. She was just really good at hiding it until tonight. :/

I know Cody is going to want to hang out while I am here but I have to make time for Alli. She is still my best friend and I need to spend time with her too. So I came up with a plan.

Me: Well don’t plan anything for tomorrow because your best friend is taking you shopping!!!!!

Alli: Tomorrows Valentines Day Hanna. Cody will never let me hang out with you. L

Me: I still need to buy him a present! We can shop until like 3 and then I can hangout with Cody.

Alli: well ok. Ill be over in the morning to start our shopping adventure!

I threw my phone on the couch and looked at Cody. “Alli and I are going shopping tomorrow and then we can hang out after at like 3:30 is that all right.” I asked.   He looked at me then his eyes light up. “Oh ya ya tomorrows valentines day.".” He said trying to sound like he new the whole time but obviously he forgot just like I did. We turned on the TV and watched reruns of the nanny until we both feel asleep.  I felt Cody start to move around and so I opened my eyes.  “Dang it I was going to carry you to your bedroom.” He said with a slight smile.  I put my arms up signaling for him to pick me up anyways.  He picked me up but instead of holding me gently he swiftly threw me over his shoulder and walked me into my room. He threw me onto my bed and we both laughed hysterically.  I grabbed him by the shirt collar and pulled him down on the bed with me. This time I leaned in and kissed him, it turned into a make out session but that’s all it was.  I got up closed the door then turned off the light.  I belly flopped back on the bed and straight onto Cody who grunted lightly then started laughing along with me. I climbed under the covers and passed out like I hadn’t slept in days. But right before I became unconscious I felt an arm rap around my waist and his body come closer to mine. I love this.

I woke up the next morning and Cody was gone.  I sat up when I heard the door open. In walked Cody with a plate of food consisting of waffles, sausage, yogurt and granola and grape juice. “YES SCORE FOOD” I yelled as he set it down in front of me. He laughed then sat next to me. “ So what time is Alli coming over?” he asked.  I grabbed my phone and checked my texts from her.  “She just said she would be here in an hour. Your mom is taking you home with her.” I told him. Cody watched, as I got ready for the day. I went to the bathroom to change and when I came out Cody wasn’t sitting on my bed anymore but Alli was. “Why hello there.” I said surprised by their switch. I finished getting ready and then we went down stairs and got a cab to take us to where ever Alli wanted to shop. We walked threw a bunch of stores and I bought a lot but I still hadn’t found anything for Cody.  Finally we came to the end of the street of stores. “ Alli I haven’t found or seen anything that I think Cody would like.” I said. “Do you really think he wants some expensive gift?” she said giving me that all knowing stare. I thought about it and then decided on the most perfect gift. Something only few people could get him and no other girl friend would.  We got another cab and went back to my hotel room. “So what kind of big expensive date do you think Cody is planning?” Alli asked. Oh crap! I do not want to go n a big date. “Alli do you think you could text Cody and tell him not to make this whole date a huge deal?” she looked at me like  I was crazy but then she just nodded her head and pulled her phone out to text him. I got ready for the night while Alli looked at all of the stuff I bought today. I put on my whit sweater with a pair of black jeans then to top it off I put on a pair of nude spiked pumps. I did light makeup and left my hair natural.  Alli and I walked down to the lobby where she sad her mom was waiting for us, but when we got out side there was a huge stretch limo waiting. We got in and it took us the Simpsons apartment. Alli and I walked up stairs but she wasn’t going in. “I’m going to be leaving now.” She said while getting back into the elevator.

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