Chapter 5

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I cannot believe what just happened. I look to my right and see my mother with hatred in her eyes starring at me coldly, no remorse at all. My mother had just punched me straight in the jaw...... I looked at her as I felt tears running down my face. I knew my mother never loved me but today I realized my mother hated me.

I felt a pair of muscular arms rap around me and I felt safe. This man that I didn't know was protecting me... Why? He let go of me and turned to face my mother. "Why would you ever feel that you have the right to hit my daughter?" He yelled at her.

Wait a second..... "Your my father?" I asked with a lot of skepticism in my tone. He turned to look at me with sadness in his eyes. "I am so sorry Hanna. I didn't know you existed until I saw your face on a magazine. Right when I saw the picture I felt a connection to you I felt like I knew you some how, and when I read the article and notices you were Melissa's daughter I had to find out if you were mine. That's what I am doing here. I came to confirm it with Melissa." He looked at me. "I think you and your mother need to talk." He said while making his way out of the kitchen.

Right when the door closed I felt another pain to the side of my head. I turn just in time to deflect two more punches from my so called mother. I looked into her eyes and all I could see was hate pure unadulterated hate. She kicked me in the shin and I doubled over in pain. She took the chance to punch me in the temple as hard as she could. I fell to the ground in pain and I felt a sharp heel stabbing me in the chest. I screamed with every ounce of my being. She kicked me one more time but this time in the head right in the temple. My vision went blurry. I heard the door open and I heard the man (my father) wall in. "What the hell did you do to her Melissa!?" He screamed. "She deserved everything she got!" Was the last thing I heard her say. I crawled across the kitchen floor while my 'parents' yelled at each other. I grabbed the phone and attempted to dial 911 after 4 try's I got it right. I could find the words to say anything so I just let the lady on the other end of the phone talk and ten say she's sending the police and an ambulance. I looked up and saw the to blurry figures again they were still yelling and not noticing me at all.

I heard the sirens from outside and it made my heart race. I am going to be ok. The police banged on the apartment door (the receptionist told them what rooms where suspicious) they broke it open and ran in. At first they didn't see me

But when they did they gasped. I must be in really bad shape. One of them, a female officer bent down next to me "which one did this?" She whispered to me. I tried multiple times I talk but I could tell my lip and cheek were both swollen. Finally I got it out "the woman" is all I said. She is not my mother.

"You have the right to remain silent anything you say can an will be used against you in the court of law, you have a right to an attorney......." I heard the mans voice next to me as the medics lifted me onto the stretcher "you'll be ok Hanna your going to be all right, I'm sorry I left you alone with that horrible woman." I could hear his sniffles. He was crying.

{at the hospital}

I woke up in a vibrant colored hospital. The swelling in my jaw lip and cheek ha gone down but it hurt like a bitch still. I look to my left and see my 'dad' sleeping on a folding chair. I lifted my arm and poked him twice then he started to open his eyes. He grind at me "how do you feel?" "Truthfully... I feel like crap" I said to him. His smile disappeared.

"Hanna I would like to introduce myself, I'm Luke Andrews.... I'm your dad" I just looked at him and he looked at me. I have him a small smile then remembered.... "Where is Melissa?" I asked with a frown. "She's going to jail for child abuse and misconduct"

Thank god was my first thought then I remembered I had no where to live. I started balling my eyes out. " sweet heart what's wrong?" Luke I mean my dad asks. " I have no one to live with" I said in between sobs. He looked at me and smiled. " Hanna your coming to live with me!" I now I just meet the man but I already felt safe around him. "I'm moving to Australia?" I asked sounding kind of sad. "No I actually just bought a house here in LA. It's big enough for us and many other people" my life was getting better and better by the moment.

A couple hours went by and my dad had to leave. He had a photo shoot for Ralph Lauren. There was only two people I wanted to see..... Alli and cody......

Before my dad left I called the Simpsons house and talked to Angie. She said they would get here as fast as they could. I was only alone for 5 minutes when the entire Simpson clan came running into my room. They were all talking at the same time and it was over wheeling. They stopped and looked at me. I explained the entire story of how my mother beat me and how I am moving in with my dad. They were so sorry fr leaving me with that woman but they were happy I was finally getting out of that apartment.

A. Nurse walked in the room and told me that I had a broken shin, fractured skull, and I had to get five stitches where my mothered heel actually broke skin on my chest. I would be stuck in the hospital for 2 weeks while my skull injury healed.

Through out those two weeks cody almost never left my side. He only left to eat shower and have meetings with his manager. He would hold my ham and sing me songs and once he even sang me a song that he wrote for me called "gentlemen" but I thought nothing of the lyrics.

{ 2weeks later}

Today I got out of the hospital and I was so happy to be going to my new house with my newly found dad. Cody wheeled me out of the hospital I

In a wheel chair and helped me into my dads Jeep Wrangler. We drove for 15 minutes until we entered a neighbor hood. Cody was smiling like A maniac and I was confused on why. We drove for for more minutes and the farther we drove the bigger the houses got. We pulled over and parked I looked to the right. "Cody why are we at your house?" I asked seeing his giant house to my right. He smiled and pointed to the left. There was a giant broke house 4 story's high and beautiful siting there with a giant banner reading 'welcome home Hanna' oh my god we live across from the Simpsons......

We opened the gate and walked up to the house I ran to my dad who was holding the door open and hugged him. This is the best day ever. I walked in the house with my mouth wide open it was huge 2 living rooms 7 rooms 8 restrooms 2 offices and a 'play room' my dad ushered me up the stairs to a room with a pink sign on the door that reads Hanna's Room. He opened the door and I starred at it. It was amazing. The walls where all a deep red and it was huge. To the left was a bed hanging from the ceiling with black sheets and a white comforter. There was a sitting area with black coaches and chairs with white and red pillows. There was a door painted white and another door painted black. There were a punch of other furniture in my room like a huge flat screen tv, a hanging chair, and other stuff. I decided to go open the black door. I opened it to find my own bath room. It was a whole different color scheme. Every thing was pink and green even the toilet shower and jet/jacuzzi bath tub. I went over to the white door and opened it. It led to a huge closet.. But it was empty. (Not or long) I was so happy I crutched over and hugged my dad. He was amazing! Alli and cody soon joined us in my room and looked around. We spent the rest of the day exploring the house. There were a lot I empty rooms that my dad said I get to decorate if I would like... I would love!!!! I was so tired. " dad can Alli and cody sleep over?" I asked hopping he would allow it. "Yes of course they can there family" he said walking to his room. We all went up stairs and fell into a deep sleep. My bed was bigger then king sized... We all fit comfortably on it.

{the next morning}

I woke up to the smell of break fast I walked to out elevator and crutched in ( I still had a cast on my leg) when I got to the kitchen I was shocked. Cody was cooking breakfast and it looked amazing. My dad came in and joined us for breakfast. "Ok today you and Alli are going shopping, I got this for you!" My dad said while sliding me a small card. It was a Chase debt card. He smiled and winked at me.

****fun fact****

Luke Andrews is also a co owner of many different multi million dollar companies. That's where he gets most of his Money from... It's not all from modeling..


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