Chapter 34

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After a moment of silence I gained enough strength to talk, “I know that’s what you think happened but would you like to hear what really happened?” I asked, never looking up from my feet.

“What do you mean what really happened? Are you going to tell me some bullshit story about how you didn’t mean to? Maybe you’ll say ‘it just happened,’ Well ok Hanna go on with your story.” When he finished yelling I felt the tears running down my face. That was the one thing I didn’t want to do, cry in front of him. I walked straight to the door and banged as hard as I could. “Alli let me out of here right now, or I swear to…” before I had even finished my threat Alli had the door open.  I walked past her with brute force and directed myself toward the front door. Before I could make it there I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I looked down to see Tom with a huge smile on his face, “I missed you Hanna!” he yelled. I leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. “ I missed you too little man. How about you come over with Alli tomorrow and we all go swimming?” I asked trying to sound normal. His grin grew and he ran off. I felt a pair of eyes on me so I looked up and there, standing in the hall way was Mrs. Simpson. She looked at me with a somber stair. It wasn’t welcoming or angry. I quickened my step and left the house. As soon as I was out side I sprinted across the street, ran to my room, and sprawled myself out on the bed. I wasn’t crying, I had already used my supply of tears for the night. I pulled out my laptop and decided to do the corniest thing. I got on you tube and typed in Cody Simpson. One by one I listened to all of my favorite songs.

When I looked at the clock I noticed it was 2 o’clock in the morning, but I still wasn’t tired. I was emotionally drained not physically. I logged onto twitter to see if the girls had eased up on the name-calling. As I scrolled through the feed it came apparent that they hadn’t. I soon scowled upon a tweet by Cody.

“Want to release my pent up emotions. Live on Ustream now!”  

Should I do it? No no I shouldn’t but that didn’t stop me. I clicked on the link and was directed to the video.  As soon as I saw his face I new he had been crying. He looked up at the camera and began to speck.

“So I have been holding in a lot of emotions lately and I finally decided to let them out.” 

As soon as the music began I knew exactly what song he was singing because I had showed it to him.

“How dare you say that my behavior is unacceptable

So condescending unnecessarily critical

I have the tendency of getting very physical

So watch your step 'cause if I do you'll need a miracle

You drain me dry and make me wonder why I'm even here

This Double Vision I was seeing is finally clear

You want to stay but you know very well I want you gone

Not fit to fuckin' tread the ground that I'm walking on….” He finished off the song and looked in the camera. “Good night Angels hope you are having a better night then I am.” Then the video went black and he was gone. The tears began to flow again. But these were not tears of sadness, these were tears of anger. Without thinking twice I made my way back to the Simpsons house. It was very late so I decided barging in and waking up by yelling at there son wouldn’t make the Simpsons like me any more. I pulled out my phone and texted Cody.

‘If you don’t want me to make a scene then get your ass out on your front porch right now.’

I sat down on the steps and waited. I heard the door open so I turned to see Cody. His eyes were read with huge dark circles around then, he was definitely crying. “What do you want Hanna?” he asked quietly. “Cody the only thing I want is for you to shut up for 5 minutes and let me tell you my side of the story, the true side. He looked at me and said nothing. I explained everything from the day I left him in New York up until today when we had gotten into our argument. “Thanks for listening. Now do with that information what you want.” I stood up from the steep I was sitting on and walked back to my house. My phone was blowing up with tweets from Cody’s fans saying how they hate me because I made Cody so sad.  I could hold back and I began putting together my own tweet.

‘Just because Cody and I broke up doesn’t mean it was something completely horrible that I did. Take that into consideration before you write things to me. Misunderstandings happen and I would appreciate it if you left me alone.’

I sent that then lied down in my bed.

‘He probably still doesn’t believe me.’ Was my last thought before I feel into a deep sleep.

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