Chapter seven

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I woke up the next morning very sad. I decided I was goin to stay home today and just not talk to people. I went into my newly designed hangout room and put in a movie. I grabbed a Gatorade out of the mini fridge and a tub of ice cream.

After 3 full movies I looked at my phone. I had 5 missed calls from Alli and over ten texts I decided to just call her back and not bother to read the texts.

€€€phone convo€€€

Alli- hey why haven't you been answering me?

Me- sorry I wasn't in the greatest mood today and I just wanted to be alone.

Alli-oh I'm sorry did your date not go well? What happened tell me every thing.

Me-no the date was great I just didn't like him like that and I told him that. We were not couple material.

Alli- oh ok well I'm sorry Hana! Do you want me to come over and bring more ice cream, because I know you and when your in this mood you eat a lot of ice cream.

Me- please do!

€€€end of convo€€€

Alli soon walked into my hangout room and stashed two pints of ice cream in the freezer and handed me one. We spent the rest of the afternoon watching movies together and eating ice cream and ordering pizza. I got a call from my dad at around 5 o'clock PM telling me he just got a call and he has to go to Paris for a Ralph Lauren shoot, and that I would be staying with the Simpsons for two days. I was really excited to stay with them until I remembered that cody may have a new girl friend.

"How did Cody's date go last night?" I was hoping she would tell me that he didn't really like her and that they aren't going out again, but by the looks of there good night kiss that wasn't the case. "I think he really likes her. He said there date went great and that they are going out again tonight. " My heart sank but I kept my physical composure. "Oh I'm happy for him" I said sending her a huge (fake) smile.

{that night @ Simpsons house}

When we got to Allis house cody wasn't home yet. Thank god. We went to the living room and watched tv and messed around my computer that Alli still had at her house.

The front door opened and cody came wondering in holding a really pretty girls hand, she was about 5'4 and looked stunning in her dress and heels. She had long brown hair and sparkling blue eyes! She was probably the prettiest girl I have ever encountered. Alli stood up so I did the same. Cody walked hand in hand with the girl toward us... "Hi I'm Alli! And this is Cody and My friend Hanna Baker." Alli greeted her. She seemed very excited about this new found relationship..... I wasn't, but I wasn't going to tell anyone how I really felt it would make me look even more pathetic. "Hey I'm Ryan Newman, it's nice to meet both of you." The girl said, she seemed really nice and that just made it a little more painful, this girl was the whole package beautiful, talented, and sweet. God I have no chance.

Alli and I went upstairs an left cody and his date alone. We just hung out and talked. A couple hours went by and I was starting to dose off. Alli had already fallen asleep on her bed but I was trying to stay awake and watch the movie from the ground. I heard the bed room door open but I didn't have the strength to open my eyes. I felt two muscular arms rap around me and lift me bridal style. I could feel the hot breath down my neck and I prayed that cody wouldn't put me down. He walked me into the guest bedroom and tucked me in. Just when I thought he was leaving I felt a pair of warm lips on my four head. "Good night beautiful." Cody said this while walking away from me.... I don't think I was supposed to be conscious enough to hear that. What did he mean by that kiss? I thought about it for a little before i came to the conclusion that he did it in a brotherly way... Not any other way.. He was dating Ryan an I had to respect that.

The two days went by slowly. Ryan spent almost every hour here with Cody witch took away from the amount if time I had with him. Alli asked me almost ever hour if I was ok. "I'm just dandy" I would answer her with a fake smile. She new something was wrong but I didn't feel comfortable telling her I liked no loved her older brother.

The day came where I went home. I got home and went to my room to unpack my over night bag. My dad came running down the hall an into my room where he enveloped me in a bear hug "I missed ya Hanna" he said with a big smile. I love this man he new how to make me smile and he was to sweet. " I missed you to dad. What are your plans for today?"

"I have a photo shoot for True Religion want to come?" I thought about it for a second and thought why not it could be fun.

We walked into a studio into a room made to look like a barn. All of the models where changing and getting ready for the shoot. My dad walked me over to a siting area that was vacant. I watched as all the men did there shoots then the teenage boys then the little boys. My dad walked over to me with a woman who was smiling at me. "Hanna this is Maddy the model scout for True Religion. She wants to know if you would like to be the newest member of the teen girls True Religion team?" I just looked at him for a second. I have been told how ugly and fat I was for so long, the fact that this company wants me to model for them is extraordinary. "I would love too!" I said become very excited. Maddy escorted me to a dressing room where my hair and makeup was done and I was given a new out fit to wear. When I walked back out there were a couple of other teen girls getting there pictures taken. I stood awkwardly off to the side until the photographer grabbed my hand and yanked me over to where the other girls were. They didn't seem to happy about me joining them and that didn't help my nerves. At first I was just standing there but then after I watched the other girls I got into it and I just had fun. The other girls left but the photographer asked me to stay. I modeled 4 other pairs of jeans then he let me go. "You did absolutely amazing Hanna!" My dad said to me as we walked out of the building. I was so happy I had so much fun and I hoped I could do more modeling jobs.

{at home}

I was so tired when I got home I just sprawled out on my bed and texted Alli. She said cody was having a movie night with Ryan and she was bored so she was going to come over. When she showed up we talked in my room about upcoming events, my photo shoot, and boys. Alli talked about some random boy she met at the mall a couple weeks ago and I just sat there quiet, not knowing what to say. "So who do you like?" There it was she asked it, the dreaded question. "No one... No one at all" I was still very sad about the situation an I couldn't admit that I liked cody just yet. Alli looked at me and smiled "Hanna I know you turned down Justin because of Cody, why don't you tell him how you feel? What's the worst that could happen?" I just looked at her, she truly is my best friend and can read my mind now apparently. "If I tell cody I like him ill look pathetic because he already has a girl friend and she is beautiful, I have no chance." I felt a single tear drip down my face. I looked at Alli and her mouth was wide open. "Hanna do you not realize how pretty you are..... You are seriously the prettiest 15 year old I have ever meet!"

Alli always new how to make me happy. But I still didn't feel right about trying to mess with Cody's relationship. "Alli ya know what we are going to do? We are going to go out an meet other boys and get my mind off of cody!" I said feeling proud of my plan. " and I know the right boys to get your mind off of cody! It just so happens I have tickets to there concert!" Alli says looking super happy. "You don't mean??" I was puzzled. "Hanna we are introducing you to One Direction and you are going to forget who Cody even is... Or at least forget your feelings for him." Alli and I danced around to One Direction song all night.

The next day Alli and I went shopping for our concert outfits! When we got back from that Alli called Mat, Cody's manager to ask him if there was any way he could get us back stage. It just so happened that he had 2 back stage passes for the concert for him and Cody but Cody bailed on him for Ryan. He had been doing that a lot we hadn't seen much of that boy.

{next day}

Alli and I went to her house to get ready for the concert tonight. We did each others hair and makeup then got dressed. I was wearing white skinny jeans, a orange tank top,

A black blazer and black combat boots. Alli was wearing a cute black pencil skirt white blouse black tights and red heels. We were ready to meet these boys!

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