Chapter 13

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I woke up being held by Cody. He was still asleep so I wiggled out if his arms and walked to the hangout room, but it was vacant. Jordan and Jake were no where to be found up stairs. I made my way down stairs and to the kitchen, before I entered I heard slight talking and laughing. I peaked around the door frame and saw Jordan sitting on the counter watching Jake cook. They looked so sweet together it killed me! I stood there and watched for a couple more minutes until I felt Cody's arms around me and lifting me over his shoulder. I didn't even try to resist him. He walked me into the kitchen and sat me down gently on the counter next to Jordan. "Good morning love birds!" Jordan said very cheerfully. That was odd for Jordan, she's not a morning person. "Would you like some eggs?" Jake asked while flipping a couple eggs in a pan. "I was actually hoping that I could make some waffles." Cody said to me. "Jake you can make Jordan her eggs and Cody you are on waffle duty." Cody jumped up and down then ran to the cabinet to get the waffle maker and mix.

We had a nice breakfast, all four of us. Cody and Jake had to leave because Cody needed to go to some interview. We said good by to the boys then ran upstairs to my room. I plugged my phone in and let it play at a very low volume.

"So Jordan, how was last night?" I said with a little half grin. She smiled a little but it faded fast... To fast. She looked at me and said "I really really like him, but it sucks because he's only going to be here for two more weeks, and im leaving for the Bahamas! How am I ever going to even be able to attempt to keep a relationship up with a boy across the world?" I looked at her and noticed a stray tear. I thought for a couple seconds then had an amazing idea!!! I got up with out saying a word to Jordan and ran to my dads room. He was still asleep so I jumped and belly flopped on top of his sleeping body. I rolled off as he sat up and looked at me, he was amused. "Is there something you would like?" He said while chuckling. "When is your clothing line coming out?" I asked. "in about a month, why?" I was so excited!!! "You know Jake from last night, well he models and your his idol I guess and I was wondering if there was any way that you could possibly hire him to model for your teen section?" He thought for a couple minutes then answered. "Ya I think he would be great for the job! But doesn't he live in Australia? How would this work?" I didn't know so I would have to get back to him about it and that's what I told him.

I ran back into my room and jumped on Jordan. I told her my idea and she looked so happy "even if this down work out thank you so much for trying." We both showered and got ready for the day. We decided we would go to Jordan's house today and just hangout. My dad let us barrow his limo and driver to drop us off. Jordan gave the drive the address and he new where to go. As we drove I noticed the houses getting farther away from each other, but as we drive the houses were getting bigger and bigger! Finally the rode what turned on ended and we pulled up to a huge gate. The driver rolled the window down and we could hear the driver talking into a microphone. " tell him your here with Jordan Royce." Jordan said to Rodger our driver. He did and the gate slid open to reveal a long rode with huge trees in both sides we drove for a couple minutes before we could see her house... Or mansion! It was a huge Victorian looking whites mansion. There was a giant circle drive way with probably 15 cars parked. Not only were they very nice cars they were all Rolls Royce's. Every single one of them. I thought for a second and was very confused on why Jordan hasn't told me her parents own Rolls Royce. The limo stopped and Rodger opened the door for us. I tried to act normal but I couldn't help but be amazed by the beautiful house. When we got to the door she turned around and looked at me. "I know I haven't really told you this before but my dad owns Rolls Royce, I have had people just trying to my friend to get closer to my family. I know you won't do that but I just didn't know the appropriate time to tell you." I chuckled "Jordan the only thing that's changed in our relationship is the fact that when we turn 16 we are going to be driving your car around town." Jordan laughed an opened the door. The house was huge. She showed me to her room which was very large and had a window that almost took up one whole wall. When you looked out the window you got an amazing view of the Malibu Hills. We spent the day in her room doing the most random things. We even ended up drawing landscapes.

Later in the after noon I got a text from cody.

Cody: hey love! How's your day going? Jake won't stop talking about Jordan. Are you going to be home tonight?

Me: the days been good, just drew a little. Yay, Jordan and I have talked about jake a lot too. Ya I have a photo shoot early tomorrow so I will be home in like 2 hours.

Cody: ok can I come over for a little when you get home? I miss you!

Me: of course you can. Will you tell Jake I need to talk to him?

Cody: yup! Will do talk to you later I love you

Me: with all my heart :) <3

The two hours wet by and I was on my way home with Rodger. Jordan was leaving tomorrow for the Bahamas so she had to pack.

When I got home I walked into my room to find Jake sitting on my bed. "You said you needed to talk to me?" He said "I have a proposal for you! My dad is starting a clothing line an he needs models. Would you like to model for him?" Jakes eyes got huge and his smile widened. He hugged me super tight "I would love to! How will it work though If I'm in Australia?" He looked sad. "He said you would only have to come to California once every two months for about a week." Jakes smile grew again. "And that means you have a little question you need to ask a certain young lady before that lady gets on a plane tomorrow and you don't get to see her for two months!" I said to him he looked panicked. "Go tell Rodger to take you back to Jordan's house!" I yelled as he ran out of my room.

Cody came over five minutes after Jake left. I explained why Jake had left and where he went. "Do you want to go to the movies?" Cody asked me. "Ya sure. What's out?" We decided on a movie then walked to Cody's house to see if one of his parents could take us. We walked in to find both of his parents sitting at a table talking to Matt, Cody's manager. They all turned around when they hear the door open.

"What are you doing here Mat?" Cody asks. "Well we need to talk about a couple things." Mat looked stressed out. "And what may that be?" Cody asked. Mat looked from Cody to me then back at cody. "I'll just head home." I said. I hugged Cody and waved good by to his parents and Mat. It was obvious Mat felt uncomfortable talking about what ever they where talking about in front of me so I decide to take myself out of the situation. I walked home and jumped in the shower. I couldn't stop wondering what they were talking about. I totally forgot about dinner and I just layer in bed starring at the ceiling, wondering what they had talked about. I heard my phone vibrate, it's from Cody I quickly pick it up and read the text.

Cody: we need to talk about something. Are you still awake?


Me: ya I'm awake.

Cody: ill be over in a second.

I didn't reply I just waited in silence for Cody.

Three minutes later I heard him walking up the stairs. He walks into my room dragging his feet and hanging his head. He looked up at me and I could tell he had been crying. I stood up quickly and walked to him but he deflected my hug and he just looked at me, his usually bright eyes were dull and his smile was no where to be found.

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