Chapter 23

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[Later that day]

Cody had to go to the studio and the boys all had plans for that day so I was left alone. I don't mind being alone sometimes, I get very overwhelmed with everything so sometimes it's good for me just to take a step back and look at what my life has become. It's so weird to think I used to be stuck in an apartment with almost no human interaction and now I'm a model and I'm dating a teenage pop star.

I could decide on what I wanted to do today so I just went up stairs and grabbed my computer. I denied Cody's attempts at making me a twitter or Facebook, the only 'social networking' site I went on was tumblr. I logged on to my account and reblogged a couple pictures that I found really funny. I thought I had only been messing around on my computer for like 30 minutes but when I looked at my phone I realized it had been 2 hours and cody had called me a few times. He had also texted me.

Cody: hey, I have exciting news text me when you get this!

Me: Hi, what's your news? I'm curious!!

Cody: I'm coming over. I want to see your face when I tell you!!!!

Me: Okidokie :D

I sat on my bed and just waited. 5 minutes later cody walked into my room with a huge smile on his face. "So what's so exciting?" I ask while I hug him. "I'm making my first album!!!" He said, lifting my up off the ground and spinning me around. "That's great! How many more songs do you need to write and record before its done?" I ask. "I already have 3 recorded, and a couple are in the process. I think there is like 10 songs total." Cody said with a huge smile on his face. "I am so happy for you!" I said before kissing him. "Ya, they said I could release a few songs once I finish my 4th." He said.

I was so happy for him I just pulled him in for a big hug. He rapped his arms around me and we just stood there like that, comfortably embracing each other. "I shoot one of my music videos tomorrow, and I want you to come." Cody said looking eager as ever. "Of course ill be there!" I said kissing him again.

[next morning]

I woke up around 7 and got ready to go to Cody's video shoot. It was hot enough so I wore a coral colored tanktop, jean shorts, and a pair of flipflops. I let my hair fall naturally into its wavy mess.

At 7:30 I heard a nock at my front door so I grabbed my purse and phone and ran to answer it. I opened the door to revile cody. He held out his hand and I grabbed it happily as he led me to the limo parked outside my house.

The drive was long but very pretty. We drove from Malibu to a small beach town called Newport Beach. It was about an hour car ride. When we showed up to the beach it was beautiful. We made our way over to the set and cody introduced me to everyone. While Cody got his hair fixed and got changed I decided to go for a walk down the beach. When I got back the tapping had already started. Cody was in a tux walking through the water. He finished the first couple of scenes then walked over to me. "How's it looking?" He asked. "Great! I can't wait to watch it!!" I said sounding a little more enthusiastic then I was trying to. Cody laughed then we both turned as his name was called. A man cody had earlier introduced as the director walked up to us. "Ready to meet your leading lady?" He asked Cody. "Leading lady?" We both asked at the same time. "I didn't know there was a love interest in this one?" I asked with a little chuckle. Cody looked at me, probably stunned that I'm not mad. "Um nether did I." He said sounding nervous. " Cody it's fine, I understand." I whispered in his ear. You could immediately see him loosen up. "Ya lets meet her." He said to the director. The man walked away towards the dressing area probably to fetch the actress. "I know your not mad but I'm sorry for not letting you know ahead of time that there would be a girl in this video." Cody said. "It's ok codes, as long as I approve." I said with a wink. We turn back the the direction the man had gone and he was walking back. Behind him you could make out the arms and legs of a girl but not her face. They were hidden behind him. " this is her." He said stepping aside to show the pretty brunette.

I gasped "I don't approve." Is all I said. Cody looked at me again. "It's fine..." I say reassuring him. " hi Sophia." I say trying to sound nice and welcoming but coming off a little more course then necessary. Sophia just smiled her cocky little devilish smile.

The rest of the scenes went pretty well. Sophia was only in them for a couple seconds. But I felt this small tingle in my stomach telling me that wasn't the end.

It was 11 o'clock already and they were almost done shooting. There was one last scene to shoot. Cody and Sophia walked down the beach hand in hand and Sophia's head was on his shoulder. When she would pass by me she would give me this look as if says 'I won' and I just laughed. I don't think she understands that I'm not really the type to freak out over something this small. They walked straight in front of the camera and got closer together. Ahh shit. I probably should have asked if there was a kissing scene. As they got colostrum and closer I felt my eyes closing. This is one thing I can't watch. I counted to 2 then opened my eyes. But to my surprise the kiss hadn't ended yet, even though defiantly heard the director say cut. I crossed my arms across my chest and just watched as they kissed for a couple more seconds. I felt my cheeks redden. I may not get jealous easily but I do still get hurt by things like this. As they pulled away I saw Sophia look at me and give me another 'I won' grin. But this time I didn't have a witty come back, and I didn't just shack it off. This one stuck.

Cody and

I walked back to the limo and it was 11:30. "Let's get lunch." He said while opening the car door for me. I slid in but instead of sitting in the usual place we sat I layer across the long row of seats. He didn't question me. We got to a italian restaurant called Mama

D's and sat down. I was trying to throw the long kiss out of my head and get back to my normal mind set but something about that kiss made me think. Was Cody lying when he said he didn't have the same feelings for sophia? I barley said anything threw lunch but I don't think Cody noticed. He was to busy on his phone texting someone. When we got back in the limo I later across the same seats and fell asleep on the long drive back to LA. Giving me a reason not to talk. We got to our houses and I hugged him good by and walked home. It was still early in the afternoon but I was done with today. I grabbed my home work and finished that then jumped in bed and just thought about my actions. Why can't I just get over this? Why is it that it angers me so much? The wold my never know

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