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I looked at cody and he asked me to sit down. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" I asked almost in tears myself. "Hanna Mat just told me that I'm going on tour."

I was so excited for him this is going to be great for his carer. But why was he sad? "And?" I asked loosing my smile. I'm going to be opening for some band, I don't know who it is they haven't told me yet but one of the rules while I'm on tour is I'm not aloud to have a girlfriend." My face fell even more. "Why does that matter?" He looked at the ground. "I don't know apparently its just a rule the other bands manager told Mat. This is a big deal for me, it's a world tour and I feel like I need to go." Cody said while glancing up at me.

I was not going to cry in front of him. I looked into his sad dull blue eyes ad said "your career is what's important and I respect that, you should go! It will be an amazing experience, even if it means breaking up with me to accomplish it." I saw cody walking toward me with his arms out stretched. I gladly walked into them and embraced him in a tight hug. He leaned in to kiss me. "That's not fair." I whispered and pulled away. He turned around to walk out of my room and I heard him whisper something, "Hanna, I love you." As he walked down the stairs I found myself whispering "with all my heart." That's when I remembered my necklace and ring. I reached for my necklace around my neck and unclasped it, I pulled my ring off of my finger and I put them both in my jewelry box. I lay back down in bed and felt tears falling down my face.

I woke up the next morning with dry eyes. I had no water left in them. I grabbed my phone and read my text from Jordan

Jordan: about to board my plane! Your the best friend ever! Jake and I are officially dating. Love you tell cody I said by. Ill miss you!

I didn't reply because she wouldn't get my text until she was back home. I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle then went up stairs to my balcony, I could see straight to the Simpsons front yard. Parked in there drive way was a huge tour bus. I didn't know he was leaving so soon! I sat in a chair and watched as the family loaded up the bus. Jake and Alli both texted me saying they would miss me, but nothing from cody. At around 12 in the afternoon the Simpsons and Jake loaded up into the bus and drove off. As the bus passed my house I looked to one of the windows where I saw cody starring at my house with what looked like a tear in his eye. I watched the bus down the street until It turned a corner and disappeared from view.

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