ch 30

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I walked in the door and found all the lights dimmed. I looked around and saw rose peddles leading to the bathroom… odd. I fallowed them and opened the door to find an amazing hot pink onesie hanging on the towel rack.  Attached to it was a note that said come to the living room once you are properly dressed.  I quickly changed into it and walked to the living room.  As I walked in I saw all sorts of junk food and pizza and yummy stuff like that spread out across the coffee table.  On the table along with the food were all of my favorite movies; She’s the Man, Transformers 2, Harry Potter, and Pitch Perfect. I turned to find Cody but he was nowhere in sight.  I walked into the kitchen area and saw Cody with his back turned to me making hot chocolate. I swiftly ran over to him, jumped, and wrapped my arms and legs around him like a monkey.  He let out a chuckle and turned his head toward me planting a kiss directly on the tip of my nose. He picked up the two mugs with me on his back and carried us over to the couch. He placed the mugs down then laid down, by doing so he laid on top of me.  We laughed and then he got off of me. “This is perfect.” I said kissing him.  “One of the many reasons I love you Hanna is you appreciate even the smallest of gestures. I didn’t know if you would be disappointed by this.” He said looking across the living room. “No its absolutely perfects! I said standing up and grabbing a movie off the table (she’s the man) and starting it. I grabbed the bag of cheeto puffs and laid back down on the couch next to Cody. I then realized that he was wearing the same hot pink onsie that I was. I broke down in a fit of laughter as he continued to act like there was nothing out of the ordinary.  We started to devour all of the food as the movies went on.

This night was perfect.  I don’t need some fancy dinner where we have to act proper and eat small portions of food. All I wanted to do was hangout with the boy I love and missed while doing something that entertains us. It helps that I am easily entertained. 

I was on a major sugar rush and was jumping around the room when I decided to see what time it was. “Holy Crap its 2:30 in the morning!” I screamed. He just looked at me and laughed.  “I already cleared it with your manager and my parents. You’re sleeping over.” He said.  A huge smile grew on my face as I jumped on him. I plugged my phone into a set of speakers and hit shuffle.  The first song to come on was, of course ‘So Listen’ Cody stood up and danced around with me.  He took his phone and set it to record then placed it on a shelf so you could see us flailing our arms and doing some form of interpretive dance. When the song ended he picked me up and kissed me before going to stop the video.  “Will you send me the video?” I asked he nodded then proceeded to send it. As soon as I received it I uploaded it onto youtube then ran and grabbed Cody’s laptop.  I ran back and logged onto my YouTube account. The video already had a bunch of comments and views. I sat on Cody’s lap and we read through the comments together. They were all super funny and sweet until we came to one that wasn’t very nice.  

-Laurenxoxo¤-              Ew repulsive. They are not meant for each other there relationship is all fake and just for the publicity. This disgusts me. Oh and Hanna Baker isn’t even pretty! Have you seen her in person she looks like an obese hoarse!

Cody looked at me with a worried expression.  I suddenly broke down, into a laughing frenzy! He looked at me like I was crazy until I clicked on this girl’s channel. He looked at the computer screen and his eyes were huge “oh my, I’m going to kill that girl.” On the screen was Allis friend Lauren’s YouTube channel.  After all of this excitement I found myself becoming very tiered. I then felt like I was being lifted so I opened my eyes to find Cody carrying me to his room.  He laid down next to me after Turing the lights off and I felt him pull me closer to his chest.  I was so content with my position that I don’t even remember what happened next. I was asleep in an instant.

Cody, Alli and I hung out for the rest of my visit in New York. I had to go home, I have so much homework to do know that I have spent a week here hanging out. 

Today is my last day in New York and Cody wanted to take me around. We dropped Alli off at her photo shoot then we drove some shopping mall. We walked around all day and bought stuff for each other. As we were walking to the restrooms we passed by the Chanel store. Cody stared to crack up and I looked over at the entrance to the store.  There staring me straight in the face was a huge picture of me. Cody walked over to it and threw me his phone. “Take a picture of me and my super hot girlfriend.” He said with a wink. He posed in front of it and I took a couple pictures of him before he pushed me over to the picture. He took a few pictures of me until we started to get looks from people walking by. We got back to my hotel room and he helped me pack all of my new clothes into my already packed suitcases. My flight was leaving at 7 o’clock the next morning and Cody wanted to accompany me to the airport so we got the ok for him to sleepover.

At 9:30 PM we both crawled into my bed and snuggled together. “I’m going to miss you so much!” I said to him. Trying to chock back my own tears. “I’m going to miss you too! I love you Hanna!” was the last thing I heard before I drifted off into a deep sleep.

I woke up the next morning to my phone alarm going off. I rolled out of bed and changed into my comfy plane clothes.  I turned toward my bed again and saw Cody staring wide-eyed at me. “I swear I didn’t mean to look. I heard you get out of bed and when I opened my eyes…damnnnn.” He went on until I told him to stop. “Cody its ok, but don’t expect to get that lucky all the time.” I said while sitting on his lap and lying against his bare chest.  “I will say, my girl friend is HOT!” he said while wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me tighter against him.  He laid back down with me sill on his chest. I flipped over so I was looking at his amazingly attractive face.  I began to move closer to him.  I love this kid and I won’t be seeing him for who knows how long.  As our lips connected just as the door opened.  “Sorry to interrupt but the car is here and our bas are already loaded. Its time to go”  Cody and I stood up and he immediately grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. 

The car pulled back into where we had left the jet before.  As the flight attendants loaded my bags I sat in the car wrapped in Cody’s arms. We sat in a comfortable silence until I noticed that everyone was waiting on me.  I sat up and looked directly into Cody’s ocean blue eyes “I love you Cody Robert Simpson!” I kissed him quickly and went to grab the door handle but his grip on me was tightened and I was again in his tight embrace. “I Love you more then you could ever comprehend Hanna!”  His grip loosened and I slid out of the car and made my way into the jet. I took my seat and looked out the window just in time to see the car the love of my life was in pull away and disappear. I felt the tears start to fall down my cheeks and I curled up into a ball  on my chair, only moving to put my seat belt on for take off.  

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