Chapter 32

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Billy wasn’t able to go out and get me a phone until the next day. We rehearsed the first half of the video then were released to go back to the hotel.  As soon as I got back I tried to call Cody on my room phone but he didn’t answer. ‘I guess ill just have to wait to explain what really happened to him tomorrow when I get my new phone.  I walked to the hotel restaurant and ate by myself. Everyone else wanted to go out to dinner but I was exhausted and nervous for what may happen tomorrow. Cody has a tendency to over react.

When I woke up the next morning there was a small apple bag on the table. Inside was a brand new iphone 5. As soon as I got it out of the box I turned it on and waited for it to activate. As soon as it was fully on text messages started coming through. I let them all come before I looked at them. In 2 days I had missed 159 text messages and 75 calls. I went to my messages and saw that surprisingly only 5 were from Cody.

Messages from Cody;


Will you please call me? We need to talk.

I swear if you don’t call me Hanna….

I wont be mad if you call me right now and explain what is going on. I know I should listen to the tabloids but it scares me that you aren’t replying.

Its been a whole day. You obviously are hiding something from me. If you waned to be with this other guy you should have just told me. 

The majority of the messages were from Alli asking me questions. I quickly called Cody even though I knew he would be very angry with me. The phone had been ringing for so long I thought it was going to go to voice mail. But he soon answered. I could tell he was mad. “Hanna why the hell are you calling?” an angry Cody yelled through the receiver. “im calling to expla…” I didn’t get to finish my sentence because he quickly cut me off. “Hanna stop being a little liar and just own up to your shit. You could have called and told me you wanted to break up! It would have been devastating but at least I wouldn’t have to find out like this!” I have never heard him speak to anyone with this tone. It was a mix between broken and pissed. Every time I would begin to speck he would cut me off.  Then finally he got to the part I had been dreading, “Hanna please refrain from calling, texting, or even thinking about me,” and with than he hung up. Falling to my knees tears started to pour out, but then I remembered I had to be down stairs in less then 5 minutes to leave for filming. I grabbed my purse and ran down stairs.

The car ride was completely silent. Everyone could sense my sadness and they decided to refrain from talking to me about it. When we got to the sight I went straight to hair and makeup.  As I was getting ready I put my game face on. Just because Cody just broke up with me doesn’t mean I need to get fried from my job! When I came out all the cast members were staring at me but what ever they don’t understand that I just lost the love of my life.  We shot the whole first half of the video then went on to rehearse the second half that we would be recording in the morning. Going back to the hotel I ate nothing, put on my pjs then hopped in bed. The down side to this was I couldn’t actually fall asleep. I grabbed my phone and logged onto twitter. Cody hadn’t said anything. That means our fans still think we are dating.  Later that evening there was a knock on my door. I opened it to find Hunter carrying a cupcake. “You are one hell of an actress.” He said with a half smile. “Why do you say that?” “I had no idea all day that something was wrong. I found out from one of the background girls at dinner. Do you want to talk about it?” I looked at him and realized he is a really nice friend to go through all this trouble to make me happy. I invited him in and he took a seat on my bed next to me. “I don’t really want to talk about it but if you want we can just hangout?” I asked hoping he would go with it. He nodded then reached for the tv remote.  He flipped to CMA’s (country music awards.) We watched the entire thing and he was amazed by the fact that I knew who almost every one of the artists were. When they ended an the commercials came on one in particular caught my attention.  ‘Tonight we have Cody Simpson here to do a little Q and A. up after this commercial!’ My body tensed as the talk show began and I watched as Cody waked out onto the stage. He looked absolutely fine, no sign of distress or sadness just the normal him.

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