Water || Pirates And The Prince

Start from the beginning

They yank me to my feet, tying my wrists together and binding my arms to my sides. They have me stand seperate from Sokka and Aang, but I have no chance at escape since I'm almost surrounded by the pirates from all sides. They turn me around, and I'm met with one of the most shocking views. 

"You've got to be kidding me."

That stupid Fire Nation Prince Zuko is holding onto the scroll with a sly smirk on his lips. The old man acompaning him stands behind, staying near a downcast Katara. She's tied to the trunk of a nearby tree. 

Two skull faced guards are positioned behind the banished royalty, advancing in a trio upon us. There were other guards with spears ready, but they didn't have any helmets covering their faces. All of them wore stoic expressions, not giving any sign of emotion at their choices. 

The amount of mixed feelings I have about Zuko makes this all the more terrible. I know that when I watched him burn me through meditation, it looked like he himself wished he could run away. That he could take it all back, but all the other times he wanted only to take Aang away. To restore something that only hurts people in it's wake. Prince Zuko is like a storm, destroying anyone and anything to get to the goal, even if it's unintentional.

Although, this only adds onto more reasons on why he belongs to the worst group of being to exist. 

"Aang, this is all my fault," Katara states. 

"No Katara, it isn't."

Well I'm not so-

"Yeah, it kinda is," the old man calmly responds, and I agree. She did mess up, and we could've sorted everything out yesterday if she was willing. 

"Give us the boy and girl," the Prince demands. 

"You give us the scroll," a man with a big hat spoke. I think he's the pirate's captain, and I recognize him as the guy Aang was bartering with yesterday. 

Sokka leans forward to look at his face, "You're really gonna hand over the Avatar and some random girl for a stupid piece of parchment?" 

"Wow, thanks," I say sarcastically, which Sokka widens his eyes to tell me "Just go along with it, please"

"Don't listen to him! He's trying to turn us against each other."

"Your friend is the Avatar?" the man looks down at Aang, and I feel panic rising in my throat.

"Sure is! And I bet he'll catch a lot more on the black market than that fancy scroll," Sokka lightly tugs on my sleeve, beckoning me to move over to his side so the pirates forget about my presence.

"Shut your mouth, you Water Tribe peasant!" Zuko shouts, and I try to hold back a laugh. He sounds a little ridiculous, like someone from a play I saw when I was a kid.

"Yeah, Sokka, you really should shut your mouth," Aang sing-songs the last word, warning Sokka that he might hit a nerve. 

"Stop it while you're ahead," I hurriedly whisper to him, but he doesn't listen to our advice. 

"I'm just saying, it's bad business sense. Just imagine how much the Fire Lord would pay for the Avatar," his words bring mischievous grins to the band of men. "You guys would be set for life." 

The captain shifts his gaze over to the Fire Nation men, "You can keep the scroll. We can buy a hundred with what we'll get from the kid. I bet this girl will get us a pretty sum too," he lays a hand on my shoulder, guiding be back towards the ship. 

I step on his foot, driving my heel into his boot. He lets go in surprise, and I feel Sokka tug me to his side by pulling on the green fabric covering my lower back. I stumble over my feet at the sudden movement.

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