"No." I said firmly. "Everything I did was on me. It was my decision. I chose to stop going to school just like I chose to put off singing. I wasn't taking singing seriously long before Jeremiah came into the picture, so I can't put that on him."

"Jeremiah? That's his name? Well, I apologize for jumping to conclusions, maybe you can tell me a little bit about you guys' relationship so I could have a better understanding." For some reason I found her tone very patronizing and I didn't like it.

"You know what, I think that's enough therapy for one day." I quickly stood to my feet and grabbed my bag, in a rush to get the hell out of there.

"Essence, I didn't mean to upset you." I heard her say, but I was already halfway to my car.

I wasted no time pulling off in the direction of the studio. I wanted to get as far away from that office as possible. Once I made it to the studio, I didn't go inside immediately. The waterworks were trying to come into play and the moment I put the car in park, the tears began to fall. Maybe therapy wasn't for me. I wanted to move on from the past, but every time I turned around somebody was trying to make me talk about it. A text message coming to my phone, interrupted my thoughts.

Elijah🖤: 1:15 PM: I'm not gon' be able to stop by the studio today, I got some other shit to do. Mon' in there tho

I read over the message from Eli a couple of times before turning my phone off, not replying. I wiped my face and got out of the car. This place was exactly what I needed to put me in a better headspace.

"Hey, is Amon in Studio C?" I asked Alicia, she was the receptionist that I met yesterday.

"Yeah he is, you can go ahead back." She said, and I made my way down the hall. Studio C was the same room we were in the night before. I wiped my face one more time before walking in, I really hoped it didn't look like I had been crying.

"Essence, wassup?" Mon' said, giving me a hug.

"Wassup. Tell me something good, please." I said, sitting in the chair next to his. I was hoping he would tell me my song was finished and ready for me to hear.

"You look like you could use some good news right about now." He said as he analyzed my face.

Damn, I thought to myself. I wiped my face real good in hopes that my crying wouldn't be noticeable and yet he still noticed.

"You good?" He asked, and I just nodded my head.

He began to tell me some things about the song and my mind began to wander, my thoughts drowning him out and going back to my therapy session. I didn't regret walking out of therapy nor did I feel bad about it. Tracy was cool, but she was doing too much. I wasn't ready to discuss certain things just yet and she was going to have to respect that. I snapped out of my thoughts when I noticed Amon giving me a weird look.

"You zoning out and shit."

"My bad." I refocused my attention back onto him. "What did you say?"

"You trying to hear your song, yeah? Maybe you'll quit looking all depressed." He said, fooling around with his laptop.

"Hell yeah, I wanna hear it." I said, my mood lifting almost instantly. "And I'm not depressed, I just had a bad therapy session. Yes, I take therapy and no I'm not crazy."

"You sure?" He gave me a look that suggested otherwise and I just looked at him with a blank stare.

"I'm fucking with you." He laughed lightly. "Therapy not just for crazy folks." He made air quotations for the word, crazy. I stared at him for a second because he sounded like he was speaking from a personal experience.

"Don't tell me you've had to take it before." He didn't look like the type of person who would go for talking to a counselor or anything like that.

"Nah. I haven't, but someone close to me has and it seemed to help them out a whole lot, so I ain't knocking it."

"Well kudos to them cause it's not working for me. This lady is way too pushy and it's really just a lot."

"That's how they're supposed to be." He laughed. "If you want a regular conversation, go talk to a friend. Those people get paid to be pushy. They gotta figure out why the hell you're there."

"Hmmm." Was all I said. That may have been true, but I still felt like it was impossible to get over something if you're constantly speaking on it.
Every negative thought I was thinking went out the window the second I heard my track play throughout the room. I looked over at Amon with wide eyes.

"That's me?"

"That's all you." He said, and I felt like I could scream.

For the second time that day, I felt myself getting emotional - these were happy tears though. I couldn't believe this was my voice and the song that I had written. Everything sounded so good together. I let myself have my little crybaby moment before I sucked up the rest of those happy tears and began to belt out the lyrics, singing along to my song as if I was the only one in the room.

"Oh my goodness, I can't believe that's me." I said once the track finished playing. "Thank you for helping me out with this. I knew you and Eli would have my song sounding like a hit."

"Don't trip. You family of Eli, so you family to me." He said as if it was no big deal. "That shit sound like it's ready for the radio."

I cheesed real big at that because for the first time I actually believed in myself. I believed in my talent and I believed that one day I'd have multiple songs on the radio. Before I could respond, the door burst open and there was some girl standing there. She was really pretty, brownskin with a sleek ponytail, and she had attitude written all over her face. She glanced at me before focusing her attention on Amon. "I thought I was supposed to be working with you today." She said.

"You got a whole hour before it's your scheduled time and you'll be working with Jace, he'll help you out with all'at." Mon replied, an irritated look graced his face. Her face then softened immediately and her voice changed to a sweeter tone.

"But I wanted you to help me."

"I got other things to do." He stated as he stood up and escorted her out the room. "And don't ever bust up in here like that again, you don't know what I had going on. That shit is unprofessional." I heard him say to her before the door closed with both of them on the other side.

I wasn't sure what they had going on and I honestly couldn't care less. My song was the only thing on my mind, I couldn't believe it sounded as good as it did. I had plenty of songs written and I was ready for round two in the booth.

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