Chapter 16

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As soon as the clock turned twelve at midnight, I was up ready to start the day. I was finally twenty one and was most definitely on cloud nine. It wasn't like I was going to get much sleep anyways with the way my sleep schedule has been. I was able to doze off for a few hours, but that was about it. When I did wake up from my cat nap, I woke up to a $10,000 check laying on the pillow next to me with my name on it. Seems like that lovely big brother of mine was in the giving spirit today. Me and my savings account made sure to give him a great big thank you.
Around 10 o'clock the girls came and got me so we could have brunch at one of my favorite spots, The Ruby Slipper Cafe. I swear the food at this place was gonna hit every time.
I continued looking over the menu as the waiter brought our drinks to the table. I couldn't decide on whether I wanted the BBQ shrimp and grits or the breakfast tacos.

"It's my best friend's twenty-first birthday today." I heard Maya say to the waiter as he placed our mimosas in front of us.

"You already told him that." I said laughing slightly, as I pulled my eyes away from the menu. She had made it her job to tell every person that we've come in contact with since we left my house, that it was my twenty-first birthday today. I swear she was more excited than me.

"Nah. That was the other waiter, but don't worry, she's gonna make sure she lets the entire staff know." Morgan said with face still in her menu.

"I sure am." Maya agreed. "Cause they need to run my sis her free dessert."

After we all figured out what we wanted to eat, we placed our order and I decided I would just go ahead and get the BBQ shrimp and grits. I didn't want to overdo it because I had a photoshoot in a couple of hours and I didn't want my belly to look like I was pregnant with a food baby. We were gonna stop at the mall beforehand to get a few things for the photoshoot and an outfit for tonight. The girls were taking me someplace, but they wouldn't tell me where. While we were waiting for our food to come out, the topic of Atlanta came up and I decided now was a good time to let them know about the quick decision I've made to officially move to the A with Eli. He was going back home in a week and this time, I'd be going with him. It was a last minute thing and I still had my doubts about it, but I was gonna take a leap of faith for the sake of my career.

"Essence, that's amazing. You know Atlanta is like the city of opportunities. This move could really take you to the next level." Morgan said as genuine excitement covered her face before it was replaced with a look of sadness. "Of course I'm going to miss you though. I've gotten so attached to you now. Make sure you're extra careful out there too, it's some shady people in this business and you know I know."

"Trust me, I'm always careful and Imma miss y'all too, but I'll only be a phone call away and it's not like Imma be far. Atlanta ain't nothing but a two hour flight." I stated, trying to make her feel better, but it felt more like I was trying to convince myself. "Didn't you use to live out there?"

"No, that was L.A. It was fun living out there for a while, but I missed my family here." She said, making me appreciate the fact that Eli was going to be out there with me so I wouldn't be by myself. As we continued conversing, I noticed Maya was being very quiet, which wasn't like her at all. She wasn't engaging in the conversation, she just looked deep in thought as she played with her straw.

"How do you feel Maya? About me moving?" I asked her since she didn't say anything when I mentioned it the first time. She continued playing with her straw and I almost thought she didn't hear me until she finally responded.

"I think it's a smart decision to make in regards to your career. I can see you doing big things in the future. So if you're happy, then I'm happy."

Her response was a very politically correct answer and I could tell she was holding back from saying what she really wanted to say, which was not what I wanted. If she was upset about the move, then I wanted her to say that. If she was sad about it, then I wanted her to say that. She didn't bite her tongue any other day and now wasn't the time to start. We'd been friends for so long that I knew our friendship was strong enough to handle any truths and any distance. The waiter bringing our food out, interrupted the silence that fell upon us. As we ate, Maya seemed to come back to life, making jokes here and there. I could tell she was shoving her real feelings aside so the mood could stay light and for now, I was just going to go along with it.

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