Chapter 13

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My house wasn't that far from Maya's apartment, so I knew it wouldn't be long before we were pulling into my driveway. The drive on the way there was comfortable, but that was expected. Mon' never did anything to make me feel uncomfortable and he had a very calming aura about himself. I was grateful for that because nowadays I was on edge when it came to guys.

"How's that thing going for you?" He asked, glancing at me briefly. I stared at him confused.

"What thing?"

"The therapy shit." He stated and I was shocked that he was bringing it up especially since I was damn near distraught the last time we spoke about it. I was in a much better place now though.

"Oh, that thing. It's going pretty great. I don't dread talking to my therapist anymore. She's actually not that bad." Thoughts of Tracy crossed my mind at that moment and I was still in disbelief that I ended up taking such a liking to her.

"So you don't have no beef with therapy any more?"

"Nope. There's no beef, me and therapy called a truce."

"That's wassup. You're singing a completely different tune since last time." He said as a small smile graced his face. "There's somebody else you might wanna consider calling a truce with, since you're in the mood for making peace."

I already knew he was talking about Elijah and my mood changed instantly. I'm sure my face reflected exactly how I was feeling. I had zero interest in speaking to or about Elijah. I wasn't sure why he was speaking about out issues to Amon anyways.

"Damn. So, that's a no?" He laughed, seeing the expression on my face.

"I'm confused on why me and him need a truce and I'm even more confused as to why he needs a spokesperson."

"I don't wanna get in y'all's business." He said before proceeding to get in our business. "He asked me to see if you would consider reaching out to him to talk shit out because he doesn't wanna fight with you anymore and you're not answering his phone calls."

"He didn't wanna talk to me while he was here, so I don't wanna talk to him now that he's gone. Simple as that."

It became silent in the car as I noticed Amon nearing my neighborhood. It may have seemed childish to him or anyone else who was on the outside looking in, but I honestly didn't care. My feelings were hurt from this whole ordeal. Eli really came home for a month and a half, was M.I.A. the whole time, then left again. So no, I don't wanna speak to him right now.

"I know when my sister not fucking with me, it messes me up. I try to act like that shit don't phase me, but my family is my heart. So I'm not good until I know me and her good, you know?"

"You and Elijah are not the same." I said, slightly annoyed. "HE doesn't give a fuck and that's fine."

Mon' looked like he wanted to say something else but he stayed quiet instead and I was grateful for the silence. I appreciated him passing along Eli's message, but I was over this conversation. When my house came into view, it brought me internal joy because after the day I had I was more than ready to call it a night.

"Thanks for the ride."

"Aye." He said as he grabbed my arm lightly, stopping me from getting out of the car. "Don't be upset, a'ight. Whatever you decide to do is your business. You need the studio tomorrow?"

"I'm not sure. I'll let you know."

"A'ight. Just text me." He said. I nodded my head and went on in the house. After making it inside safely, I heard his car pull off.

Music Heals All WoundsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt