Chapter 14

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"How do you feel about the song now that it's finished?" I asked Aysia, an up and coming artist that I've been working with for the past few weeks. She was a rapper, but she could sing good as fuck too. 

"I love it." She cracked a smile that I was sure showed all thirty-two of her teeth. "Just like I loved the last song that you produced for me."

"That's wassup." I nodded my head, taking in what she said. I was always happy to hear that my artists were pleased with my work. "That means I'm good at what I do."

"Yeah, it makes me wonder what else you're good at." She flirted.

"Here you go." I said, shaking my head. One thing I was strict about when it came to my business was making sure I never mixed it with pleasure. That didn't stop a few girls from trying it though. Aysia had a big personality and she was a huge flirt, but she was harmless.

"Here I go." She laughed before getting serious. "Nah, for real though, I really do love the track. It's even better than I imagined. The thing is, I want my music to have a distinct sound. I don't wanna sound like any of these other fake rap girlies."

"Well, if that's what you're going for, I think you succeeded."

"I think so too. The two of us make a pretty good team, don't you think?" And just like that the flirting was back. It was amazing how she could go from playful to serious back to playful in a matter of seconds.
I didn't answer her. Instead, I just focused on making a few adjustments to the track. The song was finished, but there were a few things I still wanted to tweak. Her laughter brought my attention back to her.

"Relax Amon, I'm just joking. I know you're all business, no pleasure. It sucks, but it's cool."

"Well, I'm glad you know." I said, right before a message came to my phone. The text was from Essence.

Essence: 5:15 PM : Hey. I gotta cancel our session for today. Something came up.

The text threw me for a loop because she never canceled a session before.

Me: 5:15 PM : Everything good?

Essence: 5:17 PM: Yeah, it's nothing serious. I just need to take care of a few things and I'm still waiting on the people to finish fixing my car.

Me: 5:18 PM : A'ight, just let me know what day you wanna reschedule for. You could probably use a break though. I ain't wanna say nothing, but your voice is starting to crack when you sing.

I laughed as I pressed the send button. I was joking, her voice was practically perfect to me. I had no idea why I got joy out of fucking with Essence, but the shit was funny.

"Wow. I didn't know you could smile let alone laugh. Girlfriend?" Aysia asked, gesturing to my phone.

"Nah." I said before my phone went off again. I let out another laugh when I saw the text.

Essence: 5:19 PM : 🖕🏾

"That's definitely your girlfriend. Is that why all of my shots have been airballs?"

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