Chapter 4

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"So, did he say he was going to give you some studio time?" Maya asked. I was laying across my bed, talking on the phone with her. We had been on the phone for almost an hour.

I told her what Eli said and about the bar he brought me to a couple of days ago. She was another person I would always tell my singing dreams to, so she was just as excited as I was.

"He didn't really say anything. All he said was, you better get prepared, I don't know what that means."

"Girl he's about to put you through a whole singing bootcamp, have you doing all types of challenges." She laughed.

Maya and I have been talking everyday since that day at the lake. It was almost as if our relationship had just fallen back into place, as if a year of us not speaking to each other didn't mean anything. I had to admit, it was nice. I didn't realize how much I missed my friend.

"Whatever it is, I have to make sure I'm ready for it." I said, as I flipped through the notebook of songs that I wrote.

"That's the right mindset to have. Do you remember that song you wrote freshman year of high school?" She asked.

"Of course I remember that childish ass song." I said, thinking back to the song I wrote about my imaginary relationship problems with my non-existent boyfriend.

"I don't care what you say, that song was a hit. Sing it for me."

"No, I'm not singing it."

"Why not?"

"I don't remember the words." I lied.

"Liar." She said, smacking her lips before she started to terribly sing the lyrics. "I can't make you stay if you really wanna leave, boy you're showing me where you really wanna be. All them other girls, they're not what you need, I can't believe that you're doing this to meeeee."

"Oh my goodness, stop!" I said, moving the phone from my ear, the song and her singing was so bad.

I could hear her laughing loudly through the phone, at the same time, I could also hear my mom calling my name from downstairs.

"I gotta go, my mom's calling for me. I'm so glad you're not the one that's trying to be a singer, because sis, that voice..." I said, laughing lightly.

We exchanged a few more words before I ended the call and made my way downstairs. Once I reached the kitchen, I saw a bunch of fruits laid out on the countertop.

"You making a smoothie?" I asked mama, noticing the blender as well.

"Yeah, you want one?"

"Please." I said eagerly as I took a seat at the island.

"Did you think about what we talked about yesterday?" She asked, as she began to cut up the fruit.

My mom told me about this support group that the lady from church was putting together, a group for domestic violence survivors. Of course she would think it's a good idea for me to attend their little meetings, but I had no interest in doing so.

Music Heals All WoundsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora