Chapter 21

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Your POV

The concert had just finished and we were heading to Bokuto's house.

"Seriously, I can't thank you enough for getting me those tickets." I told him.

"You don't have to keep thanking me." He glanced over at me and smiled.

"Too bad." I grabbed his hand which was sitting on the console in between us. "Thank you."

He intertwined our fingers, "Of course."

We held hands the whole hour back to his house. By the time we made it back I was already dozing off a bit. It was already dark and we had picked up takeout on the back.

When we walked in I saw his parents sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Oh, Y/N, Koutarou, you're back!" His mom turned to us.

"Hello Mrs. and Mr. Bokuto." I said politely.

"Hello Y/N. Oh Kou! You have a surprise in your room!" His dad said.

"..What is it?"

"Go see!"

He grabbed my hand and we ran up to his room. He cautiously opened the door before it was flung open and two girls jumped on him knocking him over.

"Kou!" They both yelled.

"Kana!? Kiyomi!?"

He hugged them back tightly and all three of them stood back up. I wasn't sure who the two girls were. They both were almost as tall as him and one of them had long white hair that was in a ponytail while the other one had shoulder length black hair and also wore glasses.

The one with white hair gasped when she saw me. "Kou! Is she your girlfriend!?"

He turned a deep scarlet, "No Kiyomi! She's my friend!" He covered his face with his hands.

"Mhm sure." The other girl teases and turns to me, "I'm Kana and this is Kiyomi! We're his older sisters!" She wrapped his arm around him and pulled him down to ruffle his hair.


I giggled at the sight, "I'm Y/N!"

"That's such a pretty name!" Kiyomi said and turned to Bokuto, "So Kou, what's she doing here huh?" She teased him.

"We just went to a concert and she's staying the night." He mumbled embarrassed.

"Is that so?"

"Then we get to tell her embarrassing stories of your childhood."

He groaned and the three of us giggled.

"Don't worry," I said, "I have plenty of embarrassing videos of him that I can show you."

"I like her already." Kiyomi said, "Come on!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me into his room, the other two following.

"I didn't get either of you food." He told them.

"Don't worry," Kana started, "We're just gonna eat yours."

He sat down beside me on the bed, "Go make your own food."

"You're so mean!" Kiyomi groaned.

"Says the one who embarrasses me all the time."

"That's our job Kou!"

As they argued back and forth my phone started ringing. Tetsu was calling me. I sighed and stood up.

"I'll be right back."

I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me and answered the phone.

"What the hell do you want?"

"...I asked her out.."

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