Chapter 6

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Your POV

The next morning I woke up in my bed and I checked my phone to see that it was almost 10 am. I usually wake up later but oh well.

It was then I realized I was still wearing Bokuto's hoodie and was in need of a shower. I brought clothes with me to the bathroom and hopped in. I was planning on going to a cafe or something then going to visit Hikari.

After my shower I dried my hair and put it in space buns then put on a red plaid skirt with a black top and black thigh highs.

I walked downstairs with Bokuto's hoodie in hand and gave it to him and then turned to see Tetsu coming over.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked.

"Maybe the park, I don't know. Somewhere."

"You can't."

I began to argue, "And why no-?" He put up his hand to stop me.

"You know I don't care about what you wear or what you do. Both mom and dad are coming home today. And we're not allowed to leave the house because they want to 'spend time with us." He made quotations with his hands.

I scoffed and started walking to the kitchen. "They can kiss my ass! They don't want to spend time with us and you know it! All they do is argue!" I yelled to him while I made my coffee. "Everytime they're here they argue and argue 24/7!"

I walked back into the living room where Bokuto was sitting on the couch and Tetsu was standing beside him looking at me.

"Are you done?" He asked.

I let out a sigh, "Yes."

"Good, because they should be here any minute."

"WHAT!? You know dad will kill me if he sees me like this! Why didn't you tell me earlier!?"

"I didn't get the chance."

I grunted in frustration and hurried back up to my room and this time changing into a navy blue dress with buttons running down the middle. I ran back downstairs and showed my outfit to Tetsu and he nodded.

You see, our dad is big on 'girls shouldn't wear this' or 'this is how a woman should be' and my personal favorite 'You need to be a perfect housewife in order to please your husband'." He doesn't even accept the fact that I play volleyball. My mom is better than he is but she still thinks the same way.

Moments later we heard the door open and mom and dad walked in tugging their luggage behind them.

The next couple days were hell. We were only allowed to go to school, have practice, and come home. After that we weren't allowed to leave. I couldn't even go visit Hikari in the hospital. As the days went by all that could be heard was screaming and fighting throughout the house.

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