Chapter 32

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Your POV

The next day I arrived at the school with Yaku, Kenma, Hikari, and my brother. Karasuno and Aoba Johsai were supposed to arrive at the school in about an hour. I was just wearing leggings with a sweatshirt and my hair pulled back in a ponytail.

"Here comes your boyfriend." Yaku said and I looked over to see Koutarou walking over.

I held my arms out and he picked me up with my legs around his waist. "You're warm." I said.

"Seriously?" Yaku grumbled.

"Jealous?" I looked up from Kou's shoulder.

His face turned red. "What?! No!"

"Uh huh." I looked up. "Oh look, there's your boyfriend right there." I pointed to Lev who was walking over.

"What!? He's not-!" He was cut off by Lev.

"Hey guys! What are you talking about?"

"Oh we were just talking about-" Tetsurou was cut off Yaku.

"Nothing! We weren't talking about anything!"

Lev gave him a confused look but just shrugged it off and smiled.

A couple minutes later a two buses pulled up. It was both of the Aoba Johsai teams. I didn't let go of Kou because that would mean I would have to see Vivian, and I really didn't want to. Well, that was until coach yelled at me and made me get down so I just settled for holding his hand.

"Y/N." Vivian said when she saw me.

"Vivian." I sneered and gave her a glare.

"Now now Vivian. Be nice." A tall guy with brown hair told her. She just scoffed and walked away and he turned to us. "I'm sorry about her. I'm Oikawa Tooru, the captain of the boys team."

We introduced ourselves and moments later two more buses pulled up with the Karasuno teams. The captains came over to introduce themselves and I saw Riko and Mira running up to the school.

"Riko! Mira! You're late!" I yelled at them before taking a quick look around. "And where's Chiyo!?"

"Sorry cap!" Riko said.

"Chiyo's on her way too." Mira said as she caught her breath.

I facepalmed then turned to the team. "Okay Nekoma! To the locker rooms! Let's go!" When I finished I looked over and saw a boy with unruly orange hair at me in awe. I only gave a small wave and before starting to walk to the locker room.

"Captain!" I heard from behind me and saw Chiyo running towards me. "I'm so sorry for being late!" She bowed.

"How the hell were you, Riko, AND Mira all late?"

"I have no idea."

I sighed. "Locker room."

"Yes captain!" She yelled at ran to the locker room.

I heard someone giggling beside me, "Wow, three members of your team were late. I don't know how we ever lost to you."

I looked over to see Vivian snickering so I walked over and got in her face. "I don't know what you're trying to say. Because we're still the ones going to nationals and you're not." I smirked.

As I backed off there was laughing beside me from Tetsu, Kou, Oikawa, and members from the teams.

"Now-" I said, "-I could stand here all day and gloat but unlike you I have to train for nationals. See you on the court bitch."

I turned and walked away. As I went inside I heard a bunch of the members from other teams laughing.

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