Chapter 29

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Your POV

Later that night Hikari and I were making dinner while the boys wouldn't stop clinging to us. I decided to tease them a bit.

"You know," I turned to Hikari and smirked, "I can't believe he asked you out after getting jealous of Kou."

She laughed and Tetsurou scowled. "Leave me alone."

"Oh please," She started, "It was painful watching you flirt with Bokuto and he never asked you out." We both laughed.

"I was nervous."

"Uh huh." I walked over and kissed his cheek and continued cooking.

I heard him let out a small noise and when I turned his face was flushed. Hikari lightly hit my arm and winked at me. She then walked over to Tetsu who was sitting on the counter and softly kissed his cheek. His face flushed and he put his face into his hands.

The two of us laughed and high fived.

"Simps." I said.

We continued making dinner as they pouted at us for teasing them.


The next day I was at practice and I set the ball to Riko who slammed it to the other side of the net and after her Chiyo, though Mira received it this time.

"Good job Mira!" I yelled over to her. "Sorry Chiyo, was my set off?"

She smiled shyly and rubbed the back of her head, "Just a little too high."

As I set to the others and Mira received them she yelled over to me, "So, how are you and Bokuto doing?"

"Well-" I was cut off.

"They're dating!" Hikari yelled from the side where she was stretching, since she couldn't play just yet.

"Hikari!" I felt the others looking at me. "Yes, we're dating."

Riko cut in. "And we didn't here about this why?"

"He only asked me out yesterday! I thought Chiyo would have told you by now." I said and looked over to her and then with a straight face I pointed to Hikari. "She's dating Tetsurou."

Everyone, other than Chiyo, started asking a bunch of questions before Coach Nakahara (the girls team coach) had stepped in and made us continue practice.

About 20 minutes later everyone was packing up to leave except for me. "Are you sure you'll be okay?" Hikari asked me.

I smiled at her, "I'll be fine."

"Fine, don't overwork yourself."

She turned and left and my smile immediately dropped. My serve was lacking. It wasn't enough.

I tossed the ball in the air and served it to the other side. Then I did it again. And again and again.

The words 'not enough' just kept repeating in my head. Over and over again. It wouldn't stop.

"Tetsurou has a better chance of going somewhere in life than she ever will!"

"It's your fault you know. You're the reason she's gone."

Not enough.

I never did enough.

I couldn't stop, my body refused to let me stop no matter how much I wanted to. My arms and legs burned in exhaustion.

I have to be better. I'm the captain. I can't let my team down. Prove. That's what I have to do. I have to prove them wrong. Everyone who ever doubted me.

The sweat dripped down my face and my breathing became ragged. I clenched the ball in my hands tightly, so much so that it seemed that it would pop.

My Brother's Best Friend | Bokuto x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang