Chapter 42

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Tetsu's POV

Three days had already passed and there was no sign of Y/N. I paced around the house trying to figure out what to do. Bokuto sat on the couch with his head in his hands. His eyes were red and puffy.

Hikari's parents had made her go home because of what happened so she wasn't here.

She couldn't be dead could she? No, she has to be alive. She wouldn't die that easily. But what if she is? If I had only been quicker she might still be here. This is all my fault. When I find that bastard I'm gonna kill hi-

"I'm going to look for her." Bokuto suddenly stood up and walked to the door.

"And how are you going to do that? There's been no sign of her anywhere."

"I can't just sit here Tetsurou! I don't know how you can!" He hissed.

"I'm trying to think of places she could possibly be Bo! We don't know what could be happening to her and I've been going insane just thinking about it. I haven't been able to eat or sleep for days! She could be dead for all we know!"

"Don't say that. We're gonna find h-"

"But you don't know that!" I snapped at him. "She's the only family I have left! I can't lose her too!" I realized what I had said and turned the other way.


"...They tried contacting them. Mom and dad. They died a month ago in a car accident in Brazil. We were never contacted." I muttered just loud enough for him to hear.


"Good riddance. They can't hurt us again." My voice cracked and I wrapped my arms around my body.

That's when my legs gave out under me and I fell to the ground and sobbed. I could hear his cautious steps and he bent down in front of me.

"We'll find her."


I had no idea how long I had been locked down here. But I wasn't giving up just yet. I was gonna get out of here, even if it kills me.

Though right now that seemed impossible. I was laying in the middle of the dark room. The chain that was attached to my wrist and connected to the wall was a lot longer than before along with a gag in my mouth.

He left what seemed like a couple hours ago and I had no idea when he'd come back. I was sure my ankle was broken and at least a couple broken ribs. The only sound in the room was the occasional rattling of the chains and my stomach grumbling.

I couldn't move. He made sure of that.

Moments later the doors opened again and my whole body flinched. His heavy footsteps echoed throughout the room and I glared as he walked down the stairs toward me.


He grabbed me by my hair and pulled me up and I grunted in pain. When he pulled the gag out he dropped me back down to the floor and I yelped.

"You're sick."

"Oh please, you enjoy what I do to you."

I scoffed, "You're even stupider than you look."

This pissed him off and he grabbed me by my hair and pulled me up again with a blade against my throat.

"I could kill you right here and now. Don't test me." He hissed.

I looked him dead in the eyes, "You won't. If you wanted to kill me you would've done so by now. Empty threats won't work on me."

He threw me up against the wall. "You're right, I won't kill you. But I can't say the same about your little boyfriend. Or your brother."

I tried to lung at him but only fell to the ground. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH THEM!" I barked.

He kicked my jaw which caused my head to hit the concrete wall behind me. As he harshly grabbed my chin making me cry out he sneered, "You don't tell me what to do. And you're in no position to be talking like that. I'll kill those fuckers right now if I have to."

Hao then stood back up and turned to walk out.

So I swallowed my pride.

"Wait!" He stopped in his tracks and looked over his shoulder and I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Please.. Don't hurt them." I cried. "I'll do anything, so don't hurt them!"

I saw the faint smile on his lips. This is what he wanted, but I couldn't take any chances. My vision went blurry as tears welled up in my eyes and rolled down my cheeks.


"Fine. For now." He walked over and crouched in front of me, holding my chin in his hand. "Let's have some fun, shall we?"

My Brother's Best Friend | Bokuto x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें