OneShot #2: Ternidai: "Don't give up...."

440 9 31

Ship: Terunidai
Type: Angst
Requested by:  Scarykawaiigirl
TW: Sick loved one, illness.
Slightly OOC Nekomaru.


TeruTeru walked into the hospital room, a bowl of soup under his arm and a cold wet feeling living inside of his rib cage. He took a deep a looked up to see his boyfriend, the SHSL Team Manager, the strongest man he knew, laying in a hospital bed. His skin was pale, the electricity had left his eyes. Nekomaru was attached to so many wires and tubes. His body the frailest it had ever been. Hanamura teared up looking at the love of his life so weak and helpless.

The cook sat down on a chair next to the hospital bed. "Hey babe." He said as he gently carressed his lover's face.
"Hey." Nidai gave a weak wave and a soft smile.
"I made you some soup."
"Mhm! Just how you like it." the chef's voice was so soft in that moment. He let his accent slip, knowing that his dumb, stupid, really hard to understand accent made Nekomaru happy and calm.
Nekomaru gave another soft smile and sat up to the best of his ability. He tried to take to plastic spoon Hanamura had taken to the room but his arm fell.
"I got you baby, don't stress your body. We don't you using up all your energy."

The manager nodded and let his boyfriend feed him. He felt so weak and helpless being fed. Hell, he WAS weak and helpless. His heart condition had gotten worse and it left him bed ridden. How could he be so weak when so many people needed him!? After Nekomaru ate all that he could TeruTeru cleaned up his boyfriend's face and gave a tired smile.

"I know you hate it when I feed you."
"I really do."
"I know you do."
"I don't want to be weak."
"You aren't."
"I'm dying in be-"
And with that Hanamura kissed him. Nekomaru kissed back of course, but was shocked on my it was so sudden.
"Why did you do that?"
"You're not dying."

"I said you're not dying."
Nidai looked the chef in his eyes. His teary, teary eyes.
"I refuse to believe you're dying! You're not dying! You're fighting to get back up but you're not dying!" Hanamura began to sob.
"You're not dying, you're not dying, you're not dying, you're not dying, you're not dying! I can't let another one I love die! Please, don't die!"
Nekomaru hugged TeruTeru.
"Alright, I'm not dying babe. I'm not gonna die. I'm gonna keep fighting. I always will."
Nidai starting crying along with his boyfriend. He had attended Mrs.Hanamura's funeral just last year. The chef had sobbed his soul out. For weeks after his mother's death he couldn't cook he was so distraught.

They both cried hugging the other one tightly for a good solid moment. When both of them had stopped crying they just sat there, hugging each other in a sad, sad silence.

The words breaking such a sad silence?

"Don't give up...." from a sad lover.


Yo, sorry this was short, but, I think angst should always be short. Sad things hit more when put into simple sentences.

Word Count: 503

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