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Jungkook POV

I am seeing him,like..after five years....he looks exactly the beautiful.his grey hair..those beautiful..reddish cheek..those rossy lips...i was wrong..he doesn't look the same..he became more beautiful...

He puts his coffee cup down on the table

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

He puts his coffee cup down on the table..then looks at me...

"So...long time,ha?? are you Jungkook...?

"I..i am good are you doing recently...?

I asked him..he was looking outside..but i keep looking at him.."

"Um great..i didn't thinking we will meet today like this."

"Yeah"..i said looking down..." I came back recently ,i called you after returning.couldn't reach you."

"I don't use the old number anymore.changed it long before" Tae replied..

"Oh! You didn't give me your new i thought...."

"Why should i give you my number??" Tae asked confusedly..

"I thought i at least deserve that much" I replied..

"No,you deserve nothing from me.we ended everything.remember??" Tae replied..

"forget's your daughter??" Tae asks softly..

"Taeju...she is good" I replied looking down...

"Her name is taeju??we decided to give that name to our own child,right?? So you take that away from me too??" Tae smiles bitterly..


"It's okay Jungkook..not a big done worse than's okay" Tae says sipping on his coffee..

"& how is irene?? I mean your wife?" Tae asks looking down.

I keep silent for sometimes..."she..she is a little sick"..

"What happened?"

" She...she conceived again" I heart was shrinking deep that time..i was not even able to look at him..

"Thatz great Jungkook..i am happy for you have a perfect are made for each other" Tae replied smiling looking down....i know..when he feels sad,he keeps avoiding my eyes.

" We were perfect too.." I replied murmuring..

" No..we never were" Tae replies...

" If we were,we would be staying beside each other now.i was never worthy of you.i was never perfect for you.thatz" Tae stops..

I feel my heart was breaking into pieces hearing those..

"You are wrong were always precious to me"

*Taekook || One shots || AU*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن