*find my way, back to u*

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Hey,is this McDonald's...

Officer jungkook looks at the screen frowning in irritation... It's the fourth day this month someone called to prank... Now he is frustrated...

This is 911 sir, i am sure you dialed the wrong number... Jungkook replies in annoyance..

That's right, can you take my order? Someone says from the other side.

Jungkook sighs..

Sir, i am telling you this isn't McDonalds~~

Please write my order... The other one says..

1 hamburger, 2 egg sandwich, large fries, pineapple pizza, milk shake & eggplant roast..

Are you kidding me? Jungkook scoffs..

Listen, if you have that much free time to do all this pranks n all.. I would suggest you to make it useful & do something productive... Stop irritating us.. We have tons of important calls to attend...

& i am sure McDonalds doesn't even sell all those things... So if you call to make it difficult for us again, i am telling you, the consequences won't be that amazing..

Jungkook says firmly..

Please write down my address... It's 366~~

Have a nice day...

Jungkook hangs up before the person completes his address..

Another prank call??

Jungkook turns & finds his fellow officer standing right behind..

Don't ask... Jungkook leans on his chair..

That makes fourth this month... That person says..

I just don't get it Yoongi Hyung... Jungkook scoffs...

Why people call 911 for this useless things & waste our time.. It's an important number to call when it's emergency, do we look that free to them? We might miss something important because of this useless things...

Tell me about it.. Officer Namjoon says walking in..

You are done with your task? Jungkook & Yoongi asks..

You might not asked that if jin was here... He sighs.

What happened? Jungkook frowns.

We got the call saying there was some sort of wild animal entered their house,it's so frightening that they can't even come out of their own house.... We went there... & guess what..

It turns out it was their own bulldog, who dirtied itself & was making a mess inside their storeroom outside the house.. They even didn't consider to check once before calling us..

Beat me... Yoongi says in annoyance..

Yeah! Right! I will fucking beat those assholes if they do it again...

Officer seokjin says walking in..

Did he have his coffee this morning?? Officer hoseok & park jimin says walking in after completing today's task..

Hey babe..

Jimin leans & pecks on yoongi's lips..

Eww... Jungkook makes a face in disgust..

Shut up.. Jimin scoffs at Jungkook..

No,like seriously.. What are people thinking these days... Jin says in anger...

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