Chapter Three

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They drag me to a big building with an atrium. It is cold inside. Humans are staring at me, mostly males. Some are winking at me; some are whistling. The girls just nudge me & laugh. We enter a shop that says “Forever 21”. They push me into a small stall with a full-length mirror on one side of the wall. They hand me a sheer black garment along with a sleeveless top with the same color & a bright pink bottom. They order me to try it on & come out when I am done. I pull my dress over my head & throw it in the corner. I wear the pants first. It takes me a minute or two to figure out what to do with the circular embellishment & the vertical slit. The metal with the teeth-like metals protruding from it only has taken me a minute. I shimmy into the pants & wear the black spaghetti-strapped top, first, before the sheer one. I glance at myself in the mirror. I have thought only males wear pants. Are females not supposed to wear dresses? I just shrug. It is very nice & Danielle, Eleanor & Perrie wears them, too. I walk out of the stall & show myself to the girls. Their eyes widen & a grin makes its way to their lips. They compliment me & I just give them a coy smile. They tell me to take it off because they will purchase it. I walk back to the stall & do what I am told. They continue giving me garments to try.

A pile of garments & who-knows-how-many-tries-of-clothes later, they finished making me try on clothes & drag me to the shoes section. They ask me to try on a cream-colored shoe with a long, thin, high heel. It looks intimidating. Who wears this kind of shoe? I try it on, holding onto Eleanor’s hands for support. She really is nice. The shoe fits my feet perfectly. They ask me to walk in it & so I do. I walk gingerly, like a toddler just starting to learn how to walk. I stumble a few times but I think I will get used to walking in it, eventually. They keep it by their side & ask me to try a flat metallic shoe with a bow & a shoe that reaches up to my ankles with fringes on its side. It both fits perfectly & they decide to purchase it both. Next, they drag me to an underwear & bra section. They ask me to choose seven of each & let me try it on. I do it quickly & give them what I have picked so they can purchase it, too. We exit the store, afterwards. The sky is an orange color. What happened? I shake Eleanor’s arm gently. She looks at me with her light chestnut brown eyes.

“What happened to the sky? Why is it orange?” I inquire.

She looks up at it & then back to me. “The sun is setting. It’s usually like that.”

“So,” Danielle says, turning to Eleanor & Perrie. “Would you like to have a dinner at my flat?”

“Sure!” Eleanor & Perrie agrees eagerly.

“Cool!” Danielle claps. She waves at a yellow automobile & we board it. She says something to the man behind the wheel. The man nods & starts to drive. I do not even know why we board this. We do not even know the man. I just keep quiet, though. They seem to know him. It is a quiet drive towards Danielle’s ‘flat’. Whatever that is. Earth is starting to confuse me more every passing hour. The automobile stops in front of a tall building. The girls get out. I copy them. A stout man opens the glass door for us. I smile & thank him. We stop in front of a golden door. Danielle presses the bottom button & it lights up. I finger it, amazed. It scares me when the door suddenly opens & reveals a small compartment. They usher me in. I walk in cautiously. I hear them chuckle, maybe at me, but I just ignore them.  Danielle presses the number eight on the wall. The door closes & I suddenly feel the ground moving. I press myself against the wall. They look at me & laugh once again. What is up with them & laughing?

“Are you okay?” Perrie asks, a smile on her lips.

“The ground is moving.” I point out shakily.

“No,” Eleanor chuckles. “It’s the elevator that moves.”

“Where is it taking us?”

“It’s taking us to the eighth floor.” Danielle replies.

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