Chapter Twenty-Five

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I just stand there, not knowing what to do. I watch Harry as he exits the restaurant. My heart is beating fiercely inside my chest. I don’t know what to do.

A hand gently makes its way to my shoulder. An encouraging female voice murmurs in my ear to follow after him. I hear & process what it has said but I can’t move. I suddenly don’t know how to move. I can’t bring my foot to step forward. Danielle pushes me gently, making me move forward.

In that moment, it’s like I suddenly remember how to move. It’s like the spell breaks when Danielle pushes me forward.

I start walking slowly at first & once I get outside the door of the restaurant, I run. I look for Harry. The hall only has a few amount of people so it is easy to look for the one I’m looking for. But, he’s not there. I make my way to the elevators but the door already closed when I get there. I think I see Harry inside, leaning against the walls, looking down on the floor, looking furious. I run to the stairs, which is found at the end of the hallway. I sprint down, almost slipping because of my so high heel. I grip on the banister while I descend the stairs.

Eighth floor.

Seventh floor.

Sixth Floor.

When I reach the fifth floor, I am tired & dead on my feet. I can’t run another flight of stairs anymore. My feet hurt & so does my legs. I am sweating & my hair is unruly. I decide to try the elevator again & this time I am lucky to ride one. Harry isn’t there anymore. I try to look for my phone but I remember it is in my purse, which I’ve forgotten in the restaurant. I groan & just wait impatiently until I arrive at the lobby. Once the doors open, I sprint outside & start looking for him in the massive lobby. He isn’t there anymore. I run outside the hotel & into the parking lot, hoping to find him still there. And he is.

“Harry!” I shout. He doesn’t turn his head & just continue getting in his car. I run again for him. My legs almost give out but I try to reach him. “Harry,” I say again, panting. Almost no sound comes out of my mouth.

“What? What do you want? Are you gonna explain to me? Do you think it would make everything better?” He asks furiously. I nod & he continues. “That wouldn’t change anything. You lied.”

“Just hear me out.” I manage to say. I lean against the opposite car & start to explain.

This is it. I’m going to say the truth. I know he won’t believe me & if he does, he wouldn’t want me anymore.

“I’m not what you think I am.” I watch his reaction as I say this. His expression turns into a confused one.

“What do you—” I cut him off & continue.

“I’m...” I bite my lip, nervous about how he will take this. “I’m an angel.” I say slowly.

“Stop playing with me.” He says sternly, his expression still confused.

“I’m not. It’s true. Ask Danielle. I told her everything.”

“Where are your wings? And if you’re an angel, why are you here on Earth? How did you get here?”

“I don’t have my wings & my powers with me right now. It’s with my dad. My dad is an angel too. He’s actually the highest ranking angel in Heaven. He’s sort of a leader.” As I am saying this, Harry’s face becomes more & more confused, his brow furrowing & furrowing. “That’s why he couldn’t come here & meet you. I’m here on Earth for a mission. I wanted to prove to my dad that love exists.”

“I don’t know if I should believe you or not.” He says, as if dismissing our talk. He turns his back to me & fumbles to open his car door.

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