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  • Dedicated to Aeya Lim

Hi, fellow DIrectioners! This is our first fan fiction. We hope you enjoy it.

-Camille ♥

I feel the sunlight soaking my skin as I stroll in the Heavens. Feeling bliss, I sigh in content. Suddenly, my wings are itching to make an appearance. I spread them out & let them tower over me. I bend my knees, exerting effort as I jump, flapping my wings in the process. I take flight. Flying is a feeling I cannot get enough of. I love feeling the gentle breeze kiss my face. As I soar above the clouds, I feel so liberated & free. Feeling fairly worn out after flying around & around, I alight on the clouds & tuck in my wings. Below the clouds, I make out two figures walking hand-in-hand. Being an angel, I have heightened senses. I can see, hear & smell something even if it is miles away. I peer through the clouds & focus my attention on the humans. It was a boy & a girl. The boy has jet-black hair styled in a messy manner. As for the girl, she has brown hair. They sit on a bench & face each other.

“Daniel,” The girl begins. “Why did you bring me here?”

Daniel, the black-haired boy, I suppose, does not reply. Instead, he opens his mouth & begins to sing to her. I close my eyes & feel myself getting lost in his voice. It is smooth & mesmerizing. When he stops singing, I open my eyes & notice the girl’s eyes glistening.

“I just wanted you to know that I love you, Stella.” Daniel whispers, holding Stella’s face in his hands. “So much.”

“I love you, too. She whispers back.

I feel the corners of my mouth twitching up as I hear that word again. Love. I am really perplexed by it. I hear that word often when I observe some humans but I have no idea what it is. However, I know it is powerful & it exists. I glance at the sky & notice it turning into sepia. I should head back. My father must be worrying about me. I spread my wings & take flight once again. After a while, I reach my home. I tuck my wings in & head to my father’s study. I knock on the door.

“Come in.” His voice calls out.

I turn the doorknob & let myself in. My father is the leader of the angels. They all respect him by bowing when he passes by.

“Hello, father.” I say formally.

“What took you so long, Helena?” He questions me. “I almost sent an army to look for you.”

I mentally roll my eyes. That is another thing about my father. He is super protective of me. He probably thinks that I could not take care of myself. Well, the joke is on him.

“Relax. I am still alive.” I calm him down.

“Very well,” He speaks with so much authority. “What can I do for you?”

I sit on one of the wooden chairs by his desk.

“Father, do you know what love is?” I ask.

Fury suddenly takes over his monotonous expression.

“Yes, I know what it is.” He says through gritted teeth. “But it does not exist.”

I suddenly feel aggravated. “Yes, it does! I heard two humans say that to each other a while ago. I often hear humans say that when I observe them.”

“It is because humans are delusional creatures. You can live a long, happy life without love.” He said the word ‘love’ with so much disgust.

I stand up from the chair, letting rage take over me. “How could you say that? You do not even know a thing about it!”

He lets out a humorless laugh. “And you do?”

What he says is true. I do not know a thing about love but I believe in it. I see the effect it has on the two lovers.

My father sighs. “I am going to give you a chance to prove that this love exists.” He probably notices the determined look that I am giving him because he continues speaking.

“I will send you to Earth & you will prove it to me. If you do, you will get a special prize from me. However, if you fail, you will stay here & lose your privilege of observing the humans. You will never see them again. What do you say?”

I ponder for a moment. I do not want to lose my privilege of observing the humans. However, I also want to prove to my father that love really exists. I look at my father with a determined expression.

“I will do it.”

He smirks. “That is the spirit! You have four months to prove it to me.” He approaches me. He places his middle finger & index finger on my forehead as he closes his eyes.

Just wait, father. I am going to prove it to you. I think as darkness envelopes me.

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