Chapter Nineteen

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Hello! We have another long chapter for you! I enjoyed writing this. I was very hyper & restless while I was working on this. I can't sleep last night & I've only slept this morning for about, maybe, 2 hours? But I still feel perky! 

My mom almost found out about this story, not that she's against it. I'm just not confident enough to show her this. To all our followers who knows my mother, don't dare tell her about this!

Do you know a caramel macchiato? I want to have one! The day before, I was so close to having one but I had a milk tea instead. Maybe, that's the reason I can't sleep? Anyway, MACCHIATO, MACCHIATO, MACCHIATO!

Do you know the part in the song 'Chasing The Sun' by The Wanted (Yeah, I'm a Directioner. I just like listening to other artists, too) where they keep singing, "Wo-o-o-oah-oah-oah, wo-o-o-o-oah-oah..."? I find that part funny & I dance to it. =D

Anyway, this is the longest note I ever made. I still feel hyper! 



Okay, that was a long author's note from my homie, Camile :)) 

Anyway,  pic on the side is what Lilith/Cassiel could look like ================>


-Mama Crissy Xx

Kate is a very talkative, curious & jolly girl. Her brother, Cyril, who is a very quiet & serious person, seems a little young to be driving in this time of the day. I don’t bother asking, though. I don’t want to look nosy. Sitting at the back of the truck is nice but sometimes the road gets bumpy & our butts would bounce up & down. I bet it will bruise in the morning. I observe the dark sky as we drive. There aren’t that much stars this time but it still looks beautiful. I could make up some forms if I look hard enough.

The whole trip back to London is filled with stories & questions from Kate. She seems calmer than some of the Directioners I’ve seen. She gushes to us about how much she’s a fan of One Direction. She asks Harry about himself. Harry answers with articulateness. I watch him as Kate throws him questions. I am impressed with his eloquence. Kate doesn’t seem to get tired. The four-hour drive, she chatters & chatters about almost everything. I start to like her. It isn’t long enough before she includes me in her interview.

Four hours later, we have finally reached the boundary of London. On the way here, all of our stomachs grumble angrily. We haven’t eaten before we leave the Styles’ residence. Harry insists to treat us at McDonald’s, since we think that’s the only shop that’s still open.

Of course, I can never treat anyone anywhere. I’m an angel-turned-human for crying out loud! Where do you expect me to get some money?

Cyril cuts off the engine of the car in front of the familiar fast food chain. It is desolated, making it look a little spooky. We enter & the lady from the counter greets us. We eye the menu displayed on the ceiling then we tell our orders to the lady, who quickly starts to do her work. I drag Kate to a nearby table & we plop down on the chair, facing each other.

“Kate, do you mind if I ask why you & your brother are going to London in the middle of the night?” I ask shyly.

She looks down on her lap & when she looks up again, I notice her eye color have changed to a blazing violet.  My eyes widen & my fists clench. I resist the urge to pounce on her.

Down to Earth (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang