Chapter Fourteen

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 How’s everyone doing? Good? Not Good? Erkay…

Really sorry that this took a century to update cause I’ve been really sick :(

Picture on the side is what we thought Hayley/Helena could look like. Just imagine her as a blonde with pink eyes ===============>

A pretty long chappie for you! =))


-Criselle (aka Mama Crissy)

We would like to thank Aeya Lim for the new cover on the right. 

So, have you guys thought of a ship name for Hayley & Harry? We've thought 'Harley' is kinda nice. What do you think? If you have some suggestions for a ship name for them, comment it down below. 

Also, we would like to thank the people supporting this. Even though we don't update quickly. We love you!


White light.

It is all that I could see. I try to scrutinize my surroundings but all I see is white. I feel something bewildering yet familiar on my back. My hand flies to that area and flinch in shock when I shudder. From the corner of my eye, I see the sight of arrayed feathers.

My wings.

They are actually back. They are the same billowy white as I remember. I cannot believe it. I bend my knees and take flight. A smile makes its way on my face as I take in the thought of flying again. Even though my wingspan is eight feet, they bear no heavy weight on me. I wheel around as I enjoy the sensation of flying.

“Helena,” An eerily familiar voice calls out.

Bewildered, I set foot on the ground. “Is anyone there?”

I feel someone’s presence behind me. I slowly turn around and see my father. His expression is monotonous, as usual. His silver, iridescent wings are unfurled as he saunters towards me. Since he is the highest-ranking angel, the color of his wings is different among us. They emit a soft, silver glow. It is a beautiful sight.

“Hello, father,” I say respectfully. His presence alone radiated authority.

“Helena, I can see that you are enjoying your wings.” He says indifferently.

I ignore and ask him, “What are you doing here and where am I?”

He ignores my question and looks straight into my eyes. “How are things on Earth? Do you have a slightest idea on what love could be?”

Again, he says the word ‘love’ with disgust. “Honestly, Father, no. It is just so confusing. “

He sighs and shakes his head at me. “That’s what I thought. I knew you could not pull this off.”

My eyes widen at his statement. Fury takes over me. “Have you had such little faith in me? Can’t you see I am working so hard to prove it to you?” A certain curly-haired boy crosses my mind and my voice softens. “And I know I am close to proving it, Father. I just know it.”

He tilts his head and surveys my face. “You are?” My faint nod serves as an answer to him.

“Just to remind you, Helena, time is running faster than you think. You are only on Earth for a mission, not to experience what it is like to be a human. You are only there for four months not for an eternity. Once four months end, you will return immediately. Understand?” He says with such authority that I drop my gaze and simply nod.

Down to Earth (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن