Chapter Seven

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“Hey, love.” A raspy voice whispers in my ear.

“Hm?” I moan, eyes still close. No matter how much I want to shoot up from the word ‘love’, I just do not. It just feels so good to sleep. I remember my eyes closing slowly on the way to the so-called ‘studio’.

“We’re here. You need to wake up.” Harry nudges my shoulder gently. “We need to get to the interview.”

I open my eyes hesitantly. Sleeping on Harry’s shoulder is very comfortable. He is so soft & he smells good. I get up from him & step out of the vehicle. We are at the back of a building. A red, open door is in front of me. We step inside into a poorly lit hallway. Though it is still bright outside, the sun’s rays never get to reach the inside of the hallway. We walk deeper into the hallway. Harry’s arm is around my waist & our shoulders are touching. I notice that the others are not with us.

“Where are the others?” I query, peeking from behind my shoulders.

“They’re already backstage, getting ready.” Harry responds & chuckles. “Apparently, it took you so long to wake up that they got impatient.”

I look down & say sheepishly, “I apologize. I am just starting to like sleeping.”

He let out another chuckle. “Of course. Who wouldn’t like sleep?”

A middle-aged, orange-haired woman comes out from the door at the end of the hall. A round, black object attached to a long black wire protruding from her ears is in front of her lips. She looks like she is anxiously looking for someone. Once she sees us, she relaxes.

“Harry!” The woman calls loudly while gesturing for us to hurry. “Hurry!”

Harry lets out a chuckle. “Harry hurry!”

The woman rolls her eyes irately & repeats her command. “Hurry up!”

Harry laughs again, wiping a tear from his eye. “Coming!”

I smile clandestinely—afraid that the woman might see me—at Harry. His laugh is so melodious. We finally reach the door. We enter into a room filled with clothes. There are rows of mirrors on the wall in one corner. Liam is sitting in front of one & a middle-aged, brunette is brushing something onto his face.

“Hey, mate.” He greets. “You should get ready.”

“I will.” Harry says & leads me to the adjacent room where I find the rest of the boys & Danielle sitting on the couch.

Niall’s mouth is occupied with a brown, pastry studded with something tiny & blue. Zayn is fixing himself. Louis is talking to Danielle. Danielle looks up at us & smiles.

“Hayley,” She pats the space beside her. “Come, sit.”

“Hey, love.” Louis’s greeting sends tingles down my spine. Love.

Harry pushes me towards the couch & disappears into the previous room. I plop down beside Danielle.

“Want some blueberry muffin, Hayley?” Niall manages to ask with his occupied mouth.

Blueberry what? I look at him confusedly.

Danielle whispers in my ear. “It’s food. Say yes.”

I automatically say yes. Niall hands me a blueberry muffin. Its yummy smell enters my nose. I inhale it deeply. I examine its exterior. It is golden brown & it is studded with tiny blue things. I take a bite & fletcherise it. It is delicious. The tiny blue things are chewy. I swallow it & take another bite.

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