Ch 22/ epilogue

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“Hi, everyone! I can’t believe it’s been five years since, you know, Scarlet Moth.” I smiled as we all sat around in the basement, it was awkward talking about her so I did my best to smoothly change the topic to something lighter. “Congratulations on the engagement Chloe.” I turned to her and her fiance. After Amelia came to Paris as an apprentice under Chloe’s mom, they grew closer. Chloe’s mom never paid her any head but Amelia did. She helped Chloe feel less alone and worked hard to help build her a connection with her mother. She's done so much good to Chloe after all these years and finally, Chloe had popped the questions just days before.

“Thanks.” Chloe grinned. Alya and Nino were the first to get married and shortly after me and Adrien announced our own engagement, We found out they were expecting. Now they have a three year old causing chaos around their house. Alya had said that if they could face Scarlet Moth they could raise their crazy child.

“Hey, so, are you really death?” Amelia asked directed at me, We told Chloe she could tell Amelia before they got engaged and Amelia was, while surprised, okay with it too.

“Yeah, she is, it’s really annoying to walk into our closet each morning only to be face to face with black robes and a scythe leaning against the wall.” Adrien answered.

“Wait, really?” Her eyes were wide interested.

“I don’t have a scythe, or black robes.” I elbowed Adrien who was holding back laughter.

“Aww.” she looked a little down. “Well, what’s it like in the underworld?”

“I’ve never been, I just walked them there and they go the rest of the way themselves. For me, it’s pitch black and I’m following a light, when I ask them, they say that they're quite literally taking a walk down memory lane.”

“Weird.” she processed that. “Wait, but don’t you also run the library above?”

“Yeah, but when I need to do things like that, I’ll get a weird sense and I co-run it with Iridessa, she takes over when I need to go. I’m not the first death she’s helped.”

“Really?” I nodded. “Hm, oh! I have another question!”


“If we go to the underworld when we die, where do you go?” I froze at this question and the room fell silent. I would be lying to say that that question never crossed my mind and I’m almost certain it’s crossed the others. But I really don’t know.

“I only know that after I die, I get some extra life to watch over the next death, seeing how long it takes for them to pick up the magic and help give them an extra little push when they need one.” I told the truth and the others seemed satisfied with the answer but the question still bugged me in the back of my mind.

After the day had ended and I was lying in bed, I still couldn’t stop thinking about that question, it was plaguing my mind.

The years passed, the question never truly leaving me, but I started to worry about it less and less over time.

My daughter was 17 when I was hit by a car and died. I woke up in the dark room with death theirself.

“Hello Marinette, it’s time for you to watch over the next death.”

“I- understand, who and where are they?”

Death gave me their name and location in France. I went to a small city far from my family. The next death was a sweet little girl, I watched her grow up, I saw her first steps, I heard her first words. Vocational she and her family would take short trips to the city to meet with her Aunts and Uncles. I always took those chances to see my family and it hurt even more to watch them age without me. I stayed the exact same as the day I died. The girl didn’t learn her magic until she was 35,it might have taken longer but I choose to give her a strong push. During the years, I’ve watched numerous deaths take first Chloe, then Nino, next Adrien, and finally Alya. 

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