Ch 5

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“Wake up!” I open my eyes, confused as to who was talking to me, why did my glasses have splintered glass? They weren’t broken but I could see the crack in front of my eye which was mildly terrifying. My eyes adjusted to the light, everything was so bright and my ears wouldn’t stop ringing. My eyes settled on the spirit from before.

“Oh, it’s you.” I felt awkward, what do I say to a ghost that kidnapped me?

“Wow, rude, I literally just healed you, I figured my daughter would have been able to teach my granddaughter some manners.” I took a closer look at him. My mind was jumbled, wasn’t I supposed to go skating today? How did I end up in this basement that I feel like is under the library? Why do I recognize this spirit? Only one of my questions were answered by me.

“Oh my god, I was possessed by my grandfather?!” I freaked out. “Also, in another situation, I would have come off rude, however, You kind of kidnapped me so I believe I have every right to seem disappointed. And to think, I looked up to you! I thought you’d be the only one to understand me yet you had to possess me to get me down here instead of just talking to me.”

“I’m sorry, but I need to get you down here, I didn’t figure that the ladder would break, sorry about that.” I remember that.

“Mhm. Sure, I’m still not fully trusting you though.”

“I can do only a few spells while dead, and they're weak so you might feel a bit off for a while and you might have trouble remembering somethings but I’m sure it’s fine. Oh! And while you were out, I cleaned up everything.

“Ah, thanks. Anyway, what did you want me to find this place?” I did want to figure out what I forgot, but now’s not the time I guess.

“For many reasons, but the only one I can tell you is that you need to stop Scarletmoth, and you need these books. I can’t teach you, but you should come daily and study.” I remember the threat of Scarletmoth.

“And if I don’t?”

“The Scarletmoth wins and you lose everything.” I was cornered.

“Fine, but when I’ve defeated her, I’m not coming back, I’m already weird by seeing ghosts.”

“Understandable, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I stood, wincing a bit and my hand flew to my head. I soon made my way to the ladder, feeling wary. I left without a backwards glance.

I climbed out of the basement, my foot almost slipped at the broken spoke. I climbed out, popping back up in the closet. Whoever was there earlier was gone, and so was the sun. The lights were all out and I was alone. How long was I out for?

I closed the panel and left the room. Everyone had disappeared, the library was dead quiet. I stumbled as I made my way around, am I going to be trapped here the rest of the night? My head was throbbing and I felt like vomiting again. I hoped I wouldn't be here the whole night, with the ghost of my grandfather.

Could I break the doors open? Maybe they're the kind that only lock to the outside so I could leave but not reenter.

In my wobbly state, I trip and knock over a cup of pens trying to stable myself.

“Hello?” I heard a voice call at my racket.

“Hello? I need a little help.” I saw a faint glow approach where I am. I hoped it’s not my grandpa, I hoped a living person would still be here.

The person rounded the corner, glowing with a ghostly light.

“Marinette?” She looked at me curiously. “Adrien! She’s here!” Adriens here? At least he’s living but I thought he couldn’t see ghosts and who is this?

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