Ch 3

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“No, you can’t visit the room or receive any updates on him without his parent or guardian’s permission” the same nurse scolded. Another passed by and looked at her questionly. Me and Adrien receded to the waiting room’s chairs.

“You go and I’ll wait for you in the hospital's food court.”

“Where is that? I’ve never been.” Adrien asked.

“It’s at the center of the hospital near where you should be so it’s fine, I’ll go to grab something to eat there and you can follow me until you find your way.” I got up and made my way to the cafeteria, Adrien walking next to me. The corridor was long and a painful sight. Seeing the ghosts lining the hall, trying to get someone to notice them, some were hanging onto grieving family and friends. There were ghosts trailing doctors who just couldn’t save them in time, hanging over them in grim reminders.

“Back off!” I heard Adrien growl next to me. I move to see who he’s talking to and find a ghost backing away after attempting to possess me.

“Thanks.” I was surprised.

“Hm?” He looked back at me. “Oh, no problem, I just know that you hate this place because of being possessed.

I hid my blush with my hand. “We-well here’s where we part ways.” I stopped in front of the door to the small hospital cafe.

“Stay safe.”

“Ye-yeah, you too, see you soon, well I’m seeing you right now but you know, like in your body see you.”

“Thanks.” He waved goodbye before walking away to find his hospital room. I got some odd looks from others in the hall but I was too busy mentaly beating myself up for what I said, I sounded so awkward! I’m so embarrassed. I took a few calming breaths before entering the cafe.

“Hey! Marinette!” I turned at my name.

“Iridessa? What are you doing here?”

“I could be asking you the same question, want to sit with me? I’m gonna order something first real quick.”

“Sure, I will too, I’ll pay.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“Consider it as thank you for the book recommendation, I chose Moral compass, it was very enjoyable, I’ve been reading it on my way to and from here all week.” We got up to the counter, ordered and I paid. We found an empty table to continue our conversation.

“I’m glad you liked it, on the topic of things you like-”

“Oh no.”

“-How are you and Adrien working out? It’s been too long since I’ve seen either of you.”

“Well, Adrien is currently in a coma here.” I look down at my hot chocolate, brushing my bangs out of my eyes.

Iridessa gasped. “What?! No! What happened?”

I chewed on my lip. “It, it was all my fault.” My voice was as small as I felt at the moment.

“I’m sure it’s not-”

“No, it is!”

“What happened then, I’ll prove it wasn’t your fault.” She leaned back in her seat, ready to prove my points wrong.

“Well, He invited me to go skating with his friends but they ended up being busy.”

“A date!” She squealed.

“Yes, and we were there, and he was teaching me how to skate because I didn’t know how to.” I watched Iridessa fight jumping out of her seat and squeezing me in happiness for the date. “This is where the date went downhill though.” I felt bad as I watched my words visibly crush her joy.

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