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7:30 am

I woke up to the sound of my alarm buzzing throughout my room.I let out a groan and switched it off."Ugh,Monday." I hate Mondays.It's the most boring day of the week especially at school.Ah school,another bothersome thing in my life.After 20 minutes of just laying in bed I got up and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine.I went downstairs and my senses got attracted to the smell of flapjacks and bacon.I went to the kitchen and saw my dad preparing breakfast. "Morning dad." He looked up at me and gave me a heartfelt smile."Morning darling" I smiled back at him and took a seat by the kitchen table."Did you sleep well?" I simply nodded to his question while he placed a plate of flapjacks and bacon in front of me. "I made your favourite." "Thank you dad." I took the fork and knife and began to eat.I must say he became a very good cook after the years.It is just me and my dad.Why you might ask?Well 4 years ago my mom died in a car accident.It felt like a piece of me left and it was like the whole world left my dad.For months he didn't eat or talk to anyone which is understandable but as time went on he learnt to deal with it,slowly but surely.He still loves her so much and speaks about her everyday.

I put my cutlery down and wiped my mouth,"That was delicious dad." He smiled proudly."Glad you enjoyed it.It wasn't how your mother made it but at least it was good.Ah your mother was the best cook I knew." I couldn't help but smile at his remark.It's like he lights up everytime he speaks about her."Well I have to go.Don't want to be late for school." "Enjoy your day darling." "I will try." We both giggled at my remark before I got up and went to my car and drove to school.

Once I arrived I let out a heavy sigh before getting out of my car and heading into the lion's den.It's not like I hate school completely.I mean, I get good grades and stuff but I just don't like the system.The system that if you don't get good grades you won't succeed in life.School puts you under so much unnecessary pressure to perform and it gets strainious sometimes.While I was walking a familiar yell could be heard which made me smile. "HEY SHORTY!" I turn to the yell and see that it is no other than my best friend Han Jisung.He has been my friend for the whole of  high school and I am glad he is in my life.He is a crackhead and teases me a lot but he cares for me a lot too and I love that about him.He made school somewhat fun for me and is the only reason I can put up with school.I can be myself around him.Jisung came running my way."Hey there." "Hey" I replied and we walked into the school building."I am surprised you got out of bed today",he spoke up."I am surprised myself." We shared a giggle.We got to our lockers and took out our books for the first 3 periods. "Awwww,why do I have chemistry the first period."Jisung cried.I let out a short laugh before speaking,"Well you decided to take the subject." "And I regret that I did." I shook my head and closed my locker.Jisung let out a sigh and took out the books he needed and closed his locker,"I hate school." "Join the club squirrel." "I am not a squirrel!" I chuckled and began to walk to class.I call him squirrel because he always calls me "shorty" because of my height so I also needed to give him a nickname and thought that squirrel suits him the most,especially when he eats and his cheeks expand into these 2 balls of cuteness.

"Oh come on Y/N.I don't look like a squirrel." "Well you eat like one." He let out a gasp and held his heart in the most dramatic,Jisung way possible.I tried to hold back my laughter and act serious."Oh don't be a cry baby." He let out a pout and I patted his head."Ok ok.You are not a squirrel." He looked at me with a smile of relief. "Thanks....Shorty." My mouth opened wide in offense,"HEY!"At that moment the bell rang. "Gotta Go." with those 2 words he sprinted away from me to his first class."I will get him later." I let out a sigh and went to my first class.

It was recess and I was listening to Jisung complain about how boring his classes were and how he didn't understand chemistry.I couldn't help but laugh at his comments and reactions. "I should really reconsider what I am going to do with my life Y/N.Why on earth did I decide to take chemistry?" "Maybe because you thought it would make you look cool and seem smart." He gave me the "wow,very funny face" but I didn't mind.We continued to talk and eat until the bell rang for us to go back to class.


Finally it was Friday and I couldn't wait for school to be over for the week.I got to school and went into the building but something was strange.I didn't hear Jisung yell at me nor did I see him around. "Is he not coming today?" I say to myself, "No he would've texted me that he isn't coming." I took out my phone and decided to call him.
The subscriber you have dialed is not available.Please try again later.That's weird.He always picks up my calls.I tried again and again but he didn't pick up.Being annoyed with hearing the computerised voice I stopped calling and decided to text him. "Hey,you ok?You aren't at school yet and you aren't answering my calls." After I sent the text the bell rang.If I could I would ditch school to check on him but maybe he is just running late and hopefully he will reply.

10 minutes.20 minutes.30 minutes.He still hasn't replied to my calls or multiple texts I sent during classes.I am starting to get worried as it is not like him to do such a thing.It's recess and I am sitting by the table that me and Jisung always sit at.I was staring at my phone hoping that at any minute he would reply and ease my worries.As I was staring at my phone I saw a tray being placed on the table.I looked up and saw someone that I wanted to slap so hard right now. "Hey." Jisung said in a monotone voice.I ignored his greeting,too upset to still be polite."Where were you?Why are you late?Why didn't you reply to my texts or pick up my calls?Why-" "Woah woah woah relax Y/N." He let out a sigh and sat down.All I did was stare at him like I was expecting an answer, which I was.He could sense that I wasn't going to let this go so he spoke up."My car broke down ok." "So you couldn't send me a text to say you will be late?" "My battery died." "Oh how convenient." I shoot back.He let out a sigh. "Look I am sorry ok.I will make sure I charge my phone next time." I just let out a short "hmm" with a nod and recess continued.

It was afterschool and Jisung walked me to my car."Excited about movie night?I can't wait to watch Mulan." Every Friday night we would have a movie night where we would go to the movies or rent a movie and watch it at my house."Um about that.." I stopped in my tracks making him stop too.I looked at him waiting for him to continue."I won't be able to do it tonight." I was a bit confused."Why can't you tonight?We do movie night every Friday." "I know we do but I need to...help my dad with something." My eyebrow raised in suspesion. "I am sorry but I can't.I will make it up to you." "Um it's ok.We will just watch 2 movies next time." I forced out a smile which he returned back."I need to go now Y/N.Drive safe." "You to- well travel safe I guess." He chuckled a bit then walked away while I was standing there in confusion.

The next couple of days were very strange or should I say Jisung was very strange.He was constantly late for school,I only saw him at recess and afterschool he would leave in such a rush.I knew something was off and I wanted to know what it was.I decided that today afterschool I will stop him and ask him questions.The bell rang for the end of the day and I dashed out of the classroom to the main enterance to wait for him.I waited and waited until he finally came out."Jisung!" I ran up to him and he stopped, looking at me with confusion."What's up?" he asked me."Uh well I was wondering if we could catch up on our movie night today?" "Sorry I can't Y/N." "But why not?I mean surely you can't still be helping your dad with whatever he asked help for." "Listen I just can't ok." "Why are you avoiding me?" I finally managed to ask.He blinked a couple of times."You never answer my calls or reply to my texts,you are always late for school,at recess you hardly speak 5 words with me,you always leave school in a rush and you keep cancelling our plans.You are acting strange and I want to know why." He looked away for a brief second then looked back at me."I am fine Y/N." he tried to reassure me but I wasn't convinced."No you are not Jisung and I want to-" "I said I am fine!" He interupted me.I jumped a little at the sudden outburst.He never yelled at me like this before.He clenched his fists and took a breath."Look,I wish I could tell you but I just can't." I frowned,"Can't tell me what Jisung?" He was about to speak when we heard a voice in the background."Hey Jisung!" We both turned to the voice and I saw a guy that looked the same age as us standing by a black car.He was wearing all black and had blonde hair."I am coming!" Jisung replied to the guy and turned to me."Who is that guy?"I asked."I need to go." "But Jisung-" "I need to go.I am sorry." He turned around and went to the blonde haired guy.They did a handshake and got into the car.I watched as the car drove off.

I sat on my bed thinking about what happened earlier."Look,I wish I could tell you but I just can't." What did he mean by that?Who was that guy he was with?What on earth is he doing?All these questions circulate in my head but one thing's for sure..

I have to find out what it is...

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