And hearing her confession yesterday- that she was thinking about taking the next step with him has driven me to do this- again. 

I was a horrible person, I knew that. I was the worst kind of friend. 

It would have been best for Y/N to have never met me.
But she had and I could never let her go. Ever. 

She was mine! 

I fastened my pace. 
Lucky for me, this dumb piece of shit was  wearing headphones, so even when I was directly behind him, he didn't turn. Stupid Chung-Ho!

Adrenaline was pumping through my body and I felt alive for the first time since this fucker started dating MY Y/N. 

Using surprise as my leverage, I jumped forward and put him in a chokehold using one arm, while ripping out those earphones with my other. 

The umbrella fell abandoned to the floor.

I heard Chung-Ho's surprised intake of breath as he immediately tried to break free. 
He was strong- After all, he was the baseball team captain.
But I had something he didn't: an abusive parent and cruel older brothers. 

I strained my muscles and choked him harder, blocking his airways so he was gaping like a dumb fish on land, his hands helplessly ripping at my arm. 

I chuckled darkly, enjoying this way too much. 
If I needed any confirmation that I was a terrible person and could never be with someone as innocents as my Y/N, here it was. 

But not being able to be with her didn't stop me from doing this.

I angled my head closer, my breath hot against his ear. 
I knew he wouldn't recognize my voice, even though I talked to him a couple of times before- in very different circumstances. 

It was a voice filled with rage, hatred and dominance- barely more than a growl.
 "Listen, you worthless piece of shit, or I'm gonna fucking kill you." 

I relaxed my hand a little, allowing the boy to snap for air and he immediately croaked: "Who are you? What do you want?" 

I laughed again. Always the same fucking questions! 

"You don't need to know who I am. All you need to know, is that you will break up with Y/N."

I couldn't see his expression, but I felt his body jerk in surprise. 

"Y/N?? What does this have to do with her?" 

My irritation was growing. What was so hard to understand? When I say break up, it means break up!

Y/N really wasn't dating the brightest guys. 

"I said break up with her or you're gonna leave this place a bloody mess!" 

He was quiet for a moment before he spoke again. And just like all these other's, what he answered was not what I wanted to hear. 

"Look man, I don't know what you're problem is, but I'm not just going to up with my girlfr-" 

I didn't let him finish. 

That word! That fucking word. 

I turned him and hit him with all my strength. I had never been good at holding back. But it was simply  impossible when it was anything concerning  Y/N. 

I relished in the feeling of hearing his nose break- of feeling the hot blood spray on my chin and my clothes. I even enjoyed the pain in my knuckles as I punched him again and again. He tried to defend himself, but I knew from personal experience that it would be useless and only makes things worse. 
My rage was unstoppable. 

I kicked his leg away from under him and he stumbled to the floor with a cry of pain, hitting the wet floor with a splash.

For good measures, I kicked him while he was down and Chung-Ho let out another groan, twitching with pain. 

His wet clothes were sticking to his skin and the blood spraying from his nose was already turning the little puddles red. 

I bend down, grabbing a handful of his hair and pulled him on his knees. 

He screamed in pain, his face a mask of agony. 
I enjoyed the sound, but it was attracting too much attention, so I put another hand around his neck, making the sound die out as I squeezed. 

Maybe, one day I was actually going to kill one of them, but for now I had just enough control not to. 

I knew what I was doing was considered wrong and cruel and a violation of basic human rights, but I felt no guilt. 
These guys were taking something that belonged to me!

The only guilt I did feel was for Y/N. 
I know I was making her life painful. And I really had tried this time...

I snarled at Chung-Ho like a wild animal- I felt like one too, driven only by my instinct to defend that which is mine. 

"You will break up with Y/N! You don't deserve her! If you haven't ended things with her by tomorrow evening, I will come back." 

I knew threatening his life was probably enough.
These guys were cowards. 
They didn't understand how far one would go for true love. 
How far I would go!

But I needed to make sure, so I came even closer to his blood-stained face.
Chung-Ho saw the smile on my lips and tried backing away in fear but I held tight.

It was probably the only thing about my face that he could see. 

"I know where you live, Chung-Ho. I also know that sweet, little sister of yours. So innocent, with those big blue eyes. She's still in middle school, right? The one in the Jeong-Gu district? I would hate if something were to happen to her..." 

I wasn't actually thinking about hurting a little girl- even I had lines I wouldn't cross. But the fear and panic in Chung-Ho's eyes was exactly what I wanted.

I let go of his hair and he fell back, than crawled back in absolute horror, his face a mess. 

I stood over him for another second, the rain splattering to the floor harder than before, like even the sky was angry about what I had once again done. 

Kicking him one more time as I walked past Chung-Ho, I left him lying on the wet, dirty street, preparing to mend Y/N's broken heart tomorrow. 


Okay, maybe I really went a bit dark here,  but hey, it's just a story right? (*laughs nervously.) 

Obsession // Taehyung Fanfiction// 18+Where stories live. Discover now