Chapter 3

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Time Skip

Third Person Pov

The girls filmed a lot that day. Some people would come up and talk to Damien or Shayne since they were still walking with the girls getting to know them. Jade and Shayne saw the instant connection between Shyla and Damien. The way they talked to each other as if they have known each other for forever.

Time Skip

Jade's Pov

"It was so nice of you guys to actually hang with us the rest of the day. Even if we seem like we know all about you since we are fans." I said, scratching my arm. "It's fine. I'm sure we'll be seeing each other a lot more often." Shayne said. I raised an eyebrow. "Ya know, because of Shyla winning the thing." Shayne said. "Oh yeah. Duh." I said, smiling, but internally kicking myself. "Well, we need to be going. Thank you girls for today." Shayne said, looking at Damien who was invested in Shyla and his conversation.
  Shayne poked Damien's side and he over at him. "We need to be going." Shayne said. "Oh, right. Well, I'll see you later tonight?" Damien asked smiling goofily. I looked at Winnie, who was looking at me with the same look. Shyla nodded and smiled. "Bye girls it was nice meeting you." Damien said. The boys started walking away. "Nice to meet you too Damien." I said, waving at them who waved back. Winnie and I looked at Shyla who was smiling and had a look in her eyes me and Winnie haven't seen in a while. "What was that about?" Winnie asked, crossing her arms and looking at Shyla. "What do you mean?" Shyla asked. "You damn well know what I mean." Winnie said smirking. "I'll see you later tonight?" I said, repeating what Damien said. "Not here." Shyla said starting ahead of us back to the hotel. "Wait up!" I said Winnie is quickly following behind.

Time Skip

Shyla's Pov

I walked into the hotel room and headed to my suitcase. "You going to tell us?" Winnie asked. "Yeah girly." Jade said. "Damien asked me out tonight to get to know me better as friends." I said. Jade and Winnie started squealing and ran up to me hugging me. I groaned. "Guys, I have to get ready." I said, trying to pry them off of me. "You are going to update us on everything when you get back young lady." Jade said. "Yes, mom." I said sarcastically. I grabbed some clothes from my suitcase and headed to the bathroom.

Time Skip

"Shyla! Damien is here!" Jade yelled. I finished my makeup and headed out of the bathroom. I turned the light off in the bathroom and headed down the mini hallway. I heard chatter going on until I stepped out of the hallway and into the living area. Everyone stopped and looked at me. I looked down and blushed. "She gets embarrassed easily." Jade said. I looked up and gave Jade the finger. "I love you too." Jade said, walking over to me giving me a hug. "Use protection." Jade whispered in my ear. I backed away from her hug wide eyes and all.
  I can feel my face is burning. "You ready to go?" Damien asked. I looked at him. He looked somewhat dressed up. Kinda feels like he didn't know whether to dress up or be casual. "Yeah. I don't know where my bag is though." I said looking around the room. "Here. I grabbed it from your area while you were showering." Winnie said. "Thank you." I said, walking up to her, grabbing the bag from her hands and hugging her. "Have fun!" Winnie said smiling. "After you." Damien said, pointing to the door. I smiled and nodded, walking towards the door. We walked out the door and shut it. "I'm sorry." I said looking down. "You don't need to be sorry." Damien said. "You look great by the way." I said, glancing up at him. "You do too." Damien said, scratching the back of his neck. "So where to?" I asked. 

Time Skip

  I took a seat at the table. We decided on a place Damien recommended on the way to his car due to the fact I know nothing about Cali. "So tell me a bit about yourself." Damien said, sitting down across from me. "I mean there isn't a lot to say about me that I haven't told you." I said, pushing some strands of hair behind my ear. "I'm sure there is something." Damien said. "Well, why don't you go first until I can think of something." I said. "Uh, ok. I don't like talking about myself." Damien said. "I don't either." I said. "Well, I'm 32. I have 2 cats." Damien said playing with his hands. I giggled. "I know this stuff already silly, but continue." I said. "Oh yeah. I forgot." Damien said, smiling. "I can't think of anything that you wouldn't know. I am pretty much just a weeb." Damien said. "No you aren't. You are an amazing guy. I'm sure there is a mystery woman that the fans don't know about that makes you happy." I said. Damien looked down and his face kind of looked flushed. "There isn't. Only my girls. What about you? You gotta have guys crawling at your feet." Damien said chuckling. "Nope. I haven't had all that many guys asking me out for like 2 years." I said, trying to think back to the last relationship I was in. "Really. That's surprising." Damien said. "Why's that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Well, you are very gorgeous." Damien said. I went to say something, but a guy came up to our table and put the menus and silverware down. "Hi, I'm Chad and I'll be your waiter tonight. What can I get started for drinks?" Chad asked. 

Time Skip

The night was coming to an end. "Here is your guys bill. Would you like dessert at all?" Chad said coming back to our table grabbing our empty plates. I shook my head. "We are good." Damien said. I went to grab the bill, but Damien beat me to it. "I am a gentleman. I will pay." He said. I looked down and blushed. So this is a date. "Are you sure? I can pay for my food." I said. He shook his hand. "I got this." Damien said. "Well, thank you Damien. You didn't have to do that." I said. "I wanted to." Damien said. "I'll at least leave the tip. He wasn't so bad." I said. I think I saw Damien tense up, but it could just be the lighting or something. 

Damien's Pov

"I'll at least leave the tip. He wasn't so bad." She said. I tensed up a little bit, hopefully not enough to have her see it. He was visibly flirting with her. Why do I care we aren't dating. Chad came back and grabbed the bill along with the money and my card. "I'll be back with this." Chad said walking away. "So what do you want to do after this?" I asked. "I don't know I figured you'd take me back to the hotel." Shyla said. "I can take you there. I just wasn't sure if you had something planned for us." I said. Stupid. "Well, I'm not from here so I don't know anywhere." Shyla said. "Yeah, I keep forgetting that." I said internally facepalming. "Maybe we could do this another time." Shyla said. Shit! I did something. "Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry." I said.
  "No, it's just getting late and you said that you have to be at a meet and greet tomorrow." Shyla said reaching over touching my arm. I smiled at her. "Oh yeah, that's right." I said. "Here you guys go. Sorry for the wait. Enjoy the rest of your night." Chad said, putting something down on the table sliding it to Shyla before walking away. Shyla took her hand off my arm. I frowned. Shyla rolled her eyes and chuckled. "What?" I asked. "He just gave me his number." Shyla said. "See, you are attracting guys. Maybe you just aren't in the right city." I said. Shyla's face flushed. "Thank you Damien. Shall we go?" She asked. I nodded, getting up from my chair heading towards the door.

Shyla's Pov

Damien held the door open for me. A gust of wind hit and it seemed that when the sun went down the temp did too. I shivered at the chill. "You cold?" Damien asked. "Just a little bit I'll be fine." I said. Damien opened his passenger seat door for me and then opened the back seat door. I raised and eyebrow until I saw what he was grabbing. "Here, so you don't get cold." Damien said. I blushed and smiled, shaking my head. "I'll be fine." I said. "I insist." Damien said, handing me the jacket. I took it and put it on. "Thanks Dames." I said. "No problem Shy." He said smiling at me. He shut the back seat door. I got in the car. Damien shut the door behind me and went to his side of the car. He hopped in and turned the car on. "Next stop, your hotel room." Damien said.

A/N: I feel like these chapters are getting longer and longer xD 

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