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God, I haven't written Fanfiction in sooooo long. Hopefully I still have my mojo.

September 30, 2022

"Happy birthday girl, tonight we are going out." Winnie said, smiling in my doorway. "I didn't see us doing anything else other than drinking here and watching the Smosh stream." Shyla said, sitting up in bed rubbing her face. "Well, today I have a lot planned so get ready." Winnie said, turning around to leave the room. Shyla nodded, getting out of her bed. Her feet touched the cool wooden floor and it sent a cold chill down her spine. She bent down, grabbing her phone off the charger. "Let's hope this is a better birthday than the past few years." Shyla mumbled walking into her bathroom.

Time Skip

  "So before we leave I have something for you." Winnie said. "You've already given me so much this year and today Winnie what else could there be?" Shyla asked. "Girl hush and accept the damn gift." Jade said, finishing her glass of wine. Shyla rolled her eyes and sighed. "Fine what is it?" Shyla asked. "Close your eyes. We promise you'll love it." Winnie said, winking at Jade who nodded and looked at Shyla. She closed her eyes and leaned back in her chair. Shyla heard some shuffling around in the room until everything suddenly stopped. "Ok open." Winnie said. Shyla opened her eyes and saw a small red and black box before her. She smiled slightly as she grabbed the box. Jade and Winnie were standing next to each other holding onto each other as if they saw their celebrity crush. Shyla raised and eyebrow as she began to untie the bow on the top of the box. "Slowly!" Jade said. "You didn't get me a bomb did you?" Shyla asked sarcastically. Jade gasped. "How did you know?" She said. The girls giggled at the comment. The two girls had their phone out recording the unboxing of whatever it was. Shyla started to get nervous. Being on camera hasn't always been easy for her. Sure, she has a YouTube channel with the two girls standing and recording before her. They weren't all that big maybe a few thousand subscribers. Shyla put the ribbon on the table before her and slowly opened the lid of the box. 

  The lid came off and Shyla peaked her head inside the box where there were 3 VIP Tickets for a weekend trip to something she has been wanting to go to since the beginning of the year when it was announced. "You're joking." Shyla said, looking up with excitement and tears in her eyes. The two girls shook their head and pulled out matching tickets. Shyla jumped out of her chair and ran to hug her two best friends. "I love you guys." Shyla said. The girls giggled and hugged her back. "We know." Jade said. Shyla pulled away from the hug and wiped the tears from her cheeks. "You guys ruined my makeup!" Shyla said, groaning. "It's fine, we can help reapply." Winnie said, looking at Jade who nodded in agreement. "Guys, this is in less than a month. I thought you said VIP tickets were sold out!" Shyla said punching their arms playfully. "We did and for a good point in time they were. Some people refunded their tickets and we just so happen to get the tickets and here we are." Winnie said. Shyla felt like she was on cloud nine. Some of her favorites were going to be there. "Now we don't have time to dilly dally, I have to call the Uber and you need to go reapply your makeup!" Jade said pushing Shyla and Winnie towards the stairs. 

Time Skip

The three girls piled into the club giggling about something they were talking about on the way there. Electro music blaring through the club. The girls made their way towards the bar that was a little crowded. They all sat down next to each other and the bartender walked up to them and smiled. "What'll be?" The guy asked, looking at them. "Can I have 3 tequila shots. We have a birthday girl here." Jade said, pointing to Shyla who shook her head in embarrassment. "Ah well then this round will be on the house." He said. "Thank you." Shyla said, smiling at the bartender. He smiled and nodded at her walking away to pour their shots.

Time Skip

  The night has gone by quickly and the liquor started kicking in. Shyla was twerking and grinding with and on Jade while Winnie was sitting at the bar talking to a guy. Several guys have tried their luck with the birthday girl, but she resisted their semi-good looks and just danced with her best friends. "Hey, that guy has been staring at you all night." Shyla said to Jade nodding her head towards the tall blonde. "Yeah, he is kinda cute." Jade said. "Then go get him girl. I can handle myself." Shyla said, nudging her towards the guy. Jade sighed and headed over to the guy. Shyla smiled at her best friend getting lucky. Deep down, she hopes things work out for her. Shyla headed towards the bar where Winnie and the mystery guy were. The pair laughed as they finished up Winnie finished her drink. "Hey girly. Where is Jade?" Winnie asked drunkenly. "Hopefully is getting lucky. I see you are. Wanna introduce me to him?" Shyla asked. "Hi, I'm James." He said extending his hand. Shyla shook his hand and smiled. "So what have you been doing." Winnie asked, turning to me nearly falling out of her chair. Shyla and James helped keep Winnie in her seat. "Rejecting drinks and dances from guys." Shyla said. Winnie sighed. "Don't you start. Not tonight." Shyla said, putting her hand up to her best friend's lips. "We need to get going soon. It's getting late." Jade said, walking up with her mystery man. "Derek." He said waving. "This is Shyla, Winnie and-" "James." Winnie said. "James." Jade said. Derek waved to them. "You ready to go?" Shyla asked the two girls. "Yeah, I am pooped." Jade said. "I'll call the Uber then." Winnie said, trying to pull her phone out. Shyla stopped Winnie and chuckled. "I'll do it. You are too drunk." Shyla said, pulling out her phone.  

Time Skip

October 25, 2022

"Shyla! Get your ass up we'll be late!" Jade yelled into her hotel room. Shyla sat up immediately rushing to get ready. "Why did you let me sleep in?" Shyla asked frantically. "You looked cozy." Jade said. "That hasn't stopped you before." Shyla said quickly putting on some light makeup and brushing her teeth. Jade shrugged as the hotel door opened. Winnie came in with 3 Starbucks coffees. "You are a life saver." Jade said, walking over to her grabbing her coffee. "I know." Winnie said, smiling before setting the coffees she had in her hand on the counter. "Where is Shyla?" Winnie asked. "Getting dolled up for today." Jade said smirking. Shyla walked out of the bathroom done with her makeup and changed into her clothes. "I am not. I just don't want to look ugly." Shyla said, slipping on her shoes. "Sure. You want to look pretty for a certain person that's going to be there." Jade said poking at Shyla. "Stop!" Shyla whined. "Ok, enough you two I don't wanna be late." Winnie said. "Yes, mom." Jade said, rolling her eyes. The girls laughed and headed out the door. 

A/N: The prologue is done! Chapter 1 will pick up where we left off. Figured I'd give writing a shot again. I am obsessed with Smosh again. Enjoy this book.

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