Chapter 1

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Shyla's Pov

"Hey guys, welcome to VIDCON 2022!" Jade said, turning on the camera. The three of us cheered and danced as we entered the building. "Today is the first day of VidCon 2022 and this just so happens to be all of our first VidCons and the birthday presents to Winnie and I." I said wrapping my arms around Winnie. Winnie raised her hands as if she was raising the roof. "I wonder if anyone is going to recognize us." Jade said looking back at us. Winnie and I shrugged and showed off the building. "This is so wild." I said smiling. "Alright so we are going to look around and we will keep you guys updated." Jade said turning on the camera. "So what now?" Winnie asked.

Time Skip

"Alright girls you know what time it is?" Winnie asked, pointing the camera at Jade and me. "What?" I asked confused. "We are going to the VidCon panel!" Winnie said. My eyes got wide and I smiled crazily like I was on crack. "That's not all though. We are VIP. So that means we are in the front row and get all of the VIP benefits." Winnie said smirking. "I thought VIP was something else." I said. "No my dear, it means that you'll be able to see your beloved Damien up close and personal." Jade said poking and winking at me. I rolled my eyes and groaned hiding my face in embarrassment. Everyone on the channel for years since we have started the channel knows my celebrity/YouTube crush has been Damien Haas. Today is the first time you'll actually see him in person.
  "Well, let's just get going. Don't want to keep the lady waiting." Jade said, sticking her tongue out at me. I glared at her and went ahead of the girls keeping my head down. "Shyla slow down!" Winnie said, trying to catch up. I shook my head and flipped them off before bumping into something. Well, someone. "I'm so sorry. I should have been paying attention to where I was going." I said, looking up at the person before being taken back by who I ran into. "It's fine. I wasn't paying attention either." Shayne said, looking down at me smiling. I went to say something but my mouth was dry nothing was coming out. "Nice merch by the way. See, you are wearing my best friend's merch." He said. I nodded. "Well, I'll see you at the panel?" He asked. "You'll see us there. " Jade said, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. Shayne smiled and walked away. I stood there in shock. "Girl are you ok?" Jade asked. "I am so glad I got that on camera." Winnie said still holding the camera out. "Come on the panel is about to start. I snapped back into reality and shook my head, continuing to walk. My smile didn't disappear one bit. We walked into the panel room and headed for our seats. There were numbers on the seats. We were A5-A8. The VIP people started piling in and then shortly after them came the people with general access tickets to the panel. "You getting nervous Shy?" Winnie asked. I nodded. "I mean, if someone was about to see some of their idols wouldn't you?" Jade said raising an eyebrow. Winnie nodded and soon enough someone came up next to us. "Hey girls weird being next to you." Shayne said. "Yeah. We were allowed in a few minutes early." I said. "Ah, so I must be a little late then." Shayne said. The girls nodded. "So what brings you to VidCon?" He asked. "Well, it was these two birthdays a couple of weeks ago, so I went out of my way to make sure they got to see some of their favorites." Jade said. "Really, how old are you girls if you don't mind my asking." Shayne asked. "Well, Winnie and I just turned 21." I said, pointing to me and Winnie. "Ah, freshly new adults." Shayne said. "I'm the oldest being 23." Jade said. "Gotcha. So besides you, who are you girls excited to see?" Shayne asked looking at Winnie and Jade. "We all kinda came here for Damien. Some more than others." Jade said. "Stop!" I groaned. Shayne chuckled. "I could introduce you to him if you'd like." Shayne said. "That'd be great!" Winnie said. "I don't know." I said looking down. "Nah it'll be fine." Shayne said. "Hey, do you have any idea what the surprise they have been talking about is?" Jade asked. "Maybe. Can't say. Sorry girls. Look someone is coming on stage." Shayne said changing the topic. We turned our attention to the stage.

Time Skip

  The panel was about over and I couldn't believe I was in the front row seeing some of my favorite people and next to one of them. "Alright ladies and gentleman, now for the moment some of you have been waiting for." Pewdiepie said. "Oop, I need the camera out for this one." Jade said, grabbing the camera out of the bag. "We have here in this hat all of the seat numbers of the VIP peeps and every single one of the people on stage will pick out of the hat and whoever gets their number picked out will get to spend a full day with them. When we call out your number please come on stage. " Ninja said. The crowd cheered and gasped. I looked over at Shayne who was smirking. "You knew?" Jade asked. "Yeah. I might have." Shayne said. "Alright Felix you are up first." Damien said. "Ok. Let's see-" Felix said, reaching into the hat not looking and pulling out the tiny piece of paper. "D12." Felix said reading the paper. A guy and his group of buddies started cheering and pointing at their friend. The guy headed up to the stage and joined Felix giving him a high five. "What's your name, sir." Felix asked. "Ryan." He said. "Alright. Next up we have Ninja." Felix said. "Thank you Felix. Ok Lets see who I'll get-" Ninja said, reaching into the hat. "C9." Ninja said. A girl shot up excitedly. The girl walked towards the stage. She got next to Ninja and hugged him. "What's your name doll?" Ninja asked. "Luna." She said. 

Time Skip

We were getting to the final people. Damien and BigJigglyPanda were left. "Panda you are up!" Felix said. Anthony reached into the hat and grabbed a number. "A1." Anthony said. A guy stood up and walked up to the stage all decked out in Panda's merch. "Hey Shy that guy looks familiar." Winnie whispered. "Yeah a little too familiar." I said. "What's your name?" Anthony asked. "Lance." He said. "Alright ladies and gentleman finally we have sir Damien Haas." Felix said. Damien bowed. My stomach was turning in nervousness. Damien put his hand into the hat and grabbed the paper out. "Drum roll please." Damien said. The crowd began to do their best drum roll they could. "A5." Damien said. Winnie turned the camera towards me who was in shock. Jade pushed me out of my chair and I stood up. I took a deep breath and headed towards the stage. 

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