Chapter 7: Craig's Replacement Part 2

Start from the beginning

Liz: Look how big you've gotten! Those old shoes still fit?

Ava stood up and twirled.

Ava: Hehe! Just like a glove! Why wouldn't they?

Sheldon: Oh I don't know maybe because your THICC

Liz: Hush! Damn you just yap and yap don't you?

He rolled his eyes and waddled off to see the Cap'n.

Liz: How could Marie be so close with him?

Sheldon: I heard that!!

Ava: *Giggle*

Smirking, Liz looked back at Ava. Her cape blocked her whole back body, except her face.

Liz: You excited to see Marina and Pearl?

Ava's eyes sparkled.

Ava: Oh my gosh yes! They are so super cool!

Liz playfully raised an eye brow and folded her arms.

Ava: *Anime gasp* I-I mean your even more super cool Liz! Your the fabled agent 3!

Suddenly, a spot light shined on Liz.

Liz: Of course I am~ No one defeats me in battle~

Sheldon: Yeah, except those stars of yours...


The background broke like glass and Liz's spotlight was gone. Her face red as boiling ink.

Liz: Sheldon!

He was laughing from the main room.

Ava: Stars? What stars, Liz?

Liz: The ones in the sky now come on!

She grabbed her hand as the three now waited at the front door in the main room. Faint coughs could be heard from the room Leon used to live in... Every cough or hack made Liz flinch a little. Calming her nerves, Ava gently rubbed the top of her head, causing a small blush to escape Liz's face. Ava just smiled and said;

Ava: Everything is going to be just fine 3! Remember we have agent 4! He kicks more butt then any evil being!

Liz: Heh yeah well, hotshot doesn't do it in style

Ava: Of course he does! Leon always was so stylish and fresh with every graceful jump! Aww and he's very handsome looking as well! Hehehe

Jealousy took over Liz but immediately shook it off once the door was being knocked.

Sheldon: My, that was fast

Liz: Let me grab the door

As she walked up and twisted the knob to open it, she was then greeted by a tall, gruff, moustached inkling man.... His face dark and eyes glowing.

Spade: Ahh, you must be agent 3

Liz: Mhm....

Leon POV

The agents hurried towards the man hole just down the square of Inkopolis city. Leon running behind the three girls, kept seeing worry on people's faces. He knew though that what they had was secret, so he kept running.

Marie: *Pant* Come on! To the alley way

Quickly turning the corner, the four of them hid so no one could see them. Out of breath and sweating like crazy, Callie huffed.

Splatoon: Love and War (Marie X Agent 4 [Male]) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now