Chapter 14: Informational Check-Up

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Narrator POV

Last time on Love and War 2! 

Squidtopia...The after math...Everything down in shambles to a new enemy! Our heroes ride back to Inkopolis safely via a bus General Spade used. Tears and mourns fled the atmosphere of the bus. Upon arriving back, Leon slightly loses his mind to thoughts of the loss of his mother... Marie and Liz plan a comfort for him with Liz giving Leon a backstory of her and her parents from the good ol' days. The two share a moment as Leon finally drifts off into deep sleep. What does the next day bring for our lime-green squid? 


The room was a faint white color. The sky was seen through the room's roof with gleams of purple beams shining down ominously. Leon found himself aimlessly walking down a long corridor surrounded by clumps of purple colored ink... He looked around as he kept walking, fear filled every fiber of his body. He pushed onwards seeing the ink on the walls grow thicker. 

Leon: Where the shell am I? ...H-Huh??

He began to hear sobs down the hallway that seemed endless. The boy picked up the pace and jogged to hear the sobs grow closer and louder... 

Leon: Hello?! Hey I'm coming! He shouted.

His voice echoed very faintly across the room. The corridor he was running down grew more narrow as he was starting to feel a little claustrophobic. Tentacles rised out of the ink from the walls and tried to grab Leon on his way to the sobbing sounds!

Leon: Ugh! L-Let me go! 

He punched and kicked as much as he could to break free to keep running towards the female sounding cry. 

Leon: Grah!

The tentacles let go as he bit down on one and it groaned in pain. Now free, the darkness at the end of the corridor now lit up revealing a certain someone on the floor, flooded with tears. 

Leon: Hey...Hey you! I'm agent 4 of the Squidbeak Splatoon and I'm here too--- 

The person slowly stood up revealing the tentacles of the person as light shined down on them. The backside was showing grey colored tentacles tied in a pretty bow...

Leon: ...

Green spots covered the tips of them...

Leon: Marie!? What're doing here? Are you Ok??

He went to grab her shoulder...

Leon: Marie..?


She turned around and gave him the biggest scare! Her teeth shined through a sadistic smile with swirly purple eyes! Razer sharp fangs with a filthy yellow color...

Marie?: GAME OVER 4! 

Leon: ?!

Before he could react, the tossed him down the corridor and he slid across the floor. The ground behind him broke and he began to fall! He quickly grabbed onto the little piece of wood still there as he looked down to see a pit of hot lava below him!

Leon: Holt carp...Marie!!? What are you??


She approached his dangling body and stepped on his one hanging hand grabbing for dear life, and he fell!

Splatoon: Love and War (Marie X Agent 4 [Male]) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now