Chapter 12: Outbreak

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----Last time on Love and War 2!!----

Leon: Can I trust you to tell me where Marie is then?

Callie: Oh of course! She's on top of Squid Hill!

Leon: Bingo~

He left for the front door.

Callie: Hey! You tricked me! 


Marie: Of course I'll visit your home town! 

Leon: Phew...Good! 

They began to walk home to prepare.


(At the Inkopolis Train Station)

Ticket girl: Your train is lane 8! 

Leon: Thank you

The squid couple boarded the train.

C.Q. Cumber: Alright, let's get going


Leon: ?!

Inkling girl: Look! There's smoke coming from the city! 

Leon: ....


Narrator POV


The train began to pull up into the station of Squidtopia. It passed many roaring flames of fire emitting from chunks of buildings exploded far beyond the tracks. Everyone aboard was in complete panic and worry. Stress immediately came over Leon and his girlfriend Marie. C.Q. Cumber had sweat dripping down his slimy arms in attempt to dock the train into a free lane to begin evacuation ASAP! He pulled up on the breaks hard as the wheels screeched and scraped the iron tracks into lane 4....The only lane not engulf from debris... 

C.Q. Cumber: We have arrived to relative safety, please stay put in the train as the military of this city should be able too--- *THUNK!* Ahh?! 

Splattered on the window in front of the sea slug was a trained, military inkling soldier. They slowly slid off the glass with some black sludge smearing down... 

Leon: FWAH?! 

Quick to see, Leon stood up out of his seat and ran for the front of the train! The squids and kids aboard looked at him crazy as he was doing the exact opposite of safety first...

Marie: Leon!! 

Following behind, Marie also broke the rules. When Leon made it to the front, the doors would not open. His eyes shifted behind him to see a crank. 

C.Q. Cumber: Sir?! Go sit down! Everything will be under control! 

Another explosion went off in the distance while he talked...

C.Q. Cumber: We are all in a relatively safe situation!

Leon: Safe huh? Look around you!! My city is under attack and i'm not letting it burn to ashes! 

The shouting from Leon made the slug slither down into a small slime ball of fear and began to tremble. 

Marie: Leon! Wait! 

He pulled the crank and the doors swung open. Black smoke made it's way in and caused a few coughs to be heard. Holding his suit case, Leon jetted out of the train and ran behind a nearby wall. A few sounds of dressing and things dropping could be heard. When he ran back out into view, he changed into his hero gear! His trusty charger was clipped to his back and suit as yellow as ever. Before he continued to run, Marie made him stop as she stood in front of him.

Splatoon: Love and War (Marie X Agent 4 [Male]) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now