Chapter 68

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I wake up the next morning and rub my tired eyes. My head is pounding, and I can barely breathe easy. I can tell it's early, and I wonder if Harry is awake.

Sneaking quietly out of the room, I can see that he's still asleep on the couch. A frown is etched on his face and it's heartbreaking. I want to kiss away every feeling of pain he might have that I've stupidly caused. I don't love anyone but Harry, and he needs to know that.

I try to quietly maneuver around the kitchen, pouring myself a bowl of cereal and milk and eating it in silence as I think about what happened the night before.

I didn't get much sleep either. I tossed and turned all night, and woke up several times due to nightmares of the incident. I was never one to talk or yell in my sleep, but last night I subtly wished I did. All I wanted was for Harry to come running in, and to hug me and I'd be safe in his arms.

After a few minutes of eating, I place the bowl and spoon back in the sink and head to the bedroom. I got under the covers and decided to read a little bit with the TV on at a low volume. At least some things could keep me occupied and away from overthinking everything.

It's not long until I hear movement outside signifying that Harry is awake. I feel my heartbeat and pulse quicken as my mouth dries. Goosebumps begin to form as chills shoot up my spine. I've never been so nervous to talk to my own boyfriend.

I debate whether to walk out and see him first or wait until he comes in here, but then I realize that I'm the reason we're in this mess in the first place, and that it isn't fair to have him come to me first. I take a deep breath, and gather any piece of dignity I might have left and walk out the door.

My beautiful, broken man is sitting on the couch, and I'm surprised at what I'm seeing. He sits there, head in his hands, sobbing and I can't help but begin to cry as well.

"Harry..." I softly say, taking a seat beside him on the couch. I don't know whether to touch him or not, but decide to place a hand on his knee. He flinches and it feels like a punch in the gut.

"Harry please," I whisper, lowering his hands. His eyes are redder than I've ever seen anyone's before. Swollen, cheeks wet. The skin around his eyes are lightly shaded purple and dark blue, lip busted and swollen and there's a cut on his nose.

"What did I do?" He asks quietly. His voice is raspier than usual, almost like he lost it.

"You didn't do anything this is all my fault."

"What did I do, to make you even want to kiss him back?"

"I never wanted to! Harry, you're the only one I love." I beg.

"Yeah, I can see that." He scoffs and I close my eyes.

"Please. Believe me, you're the only one that can ever make me feel the way you make me feel. That kiss was nothing. It was life-changing in the sense that I figured out the only person I'd ever want to be with is you."

"Why'd you even do it? If you wanted to be with me you wouldn't have to figure that out through kissing someone else."

"It was his advantage. I opened my mouth to tell him off but he kissed me. I promise you, Harry he means nothing to me. He's nothing compared to you."

"I don't even know what to say. You cheated on me." The words struck me like lighting.

"Listen to me please." I beg. "I know you don't have a reason to, but you need to believe me."

"You're right. I don't have any reason to believe you, Annabel. My god, you fucked up." He says and my heart shatters into a million more pieces if it hasn't been broken completely already.

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